W:O:A Metalmaster
baerbael schrieb:
zumindest meine ich mich zuerinnern das genze beendet zuhaben weil ich tierisch schiss um mein tattoo hatte!!
egal..."GET LOST BITCH" waren glaub ich die häufigsten worte, die ich benutzt habe dieses fastival...zumindest in den teilen, an die ich mich erinnern kann!
Poor little creature I only feel sorry for the stuff that fell down from the table
Anyways I dont really remmember anything from the festival except for Red Harvest and Misfits cause they were the best. And drinking with some maniacs I didnt know in the morning...Otherwise I was so drunk that I didnt even find time to ask somebody what I am moshing to. I havent got so fucking wasted in last few years. And that fucking cool.