Da wer mich da wiederekennt kriegt nen Bier von
. ..Welschap as it was called would be our new home for the next five years. And what a home it was. The seemingly endless amounts of space allowed DOA to grow from 43.000 (1993) and 70.000 (1994) to a staggering 118.000 visitors at our tenth anniversary in 1995. By this time DOA had developed into a three day marathon with almost fifty bands on three different stages, covering all heavy genres from death and black metal to hardcore and punk. People were now coming from as far away as Japan and Brazil to visit DOA. As much as half the crowd came from Germany. This would not have to do anything with our liberal laws on freely smoking pot and generally having a good time, now would it?
Still legendary are the traffic jams leading to the festival in 1994 and 95, to this day in the books as the longest ever recorded in Dutch history. These jams however, did not go down very well with Dutch authorities. They were not amused to say the least, resulting in a 60.000 capacity limit for future DOA's from then on. So, needless to say, the last two DOA's at Welschap were sold out in advance. During the five years we spent at Welschap pretty much everybody who is somebody today paid us a visit, sometimes more than once. Slayer, Venom, Type O Negative, Machine Head, Korn, Marilyn Manson, Savatage, Dog Eat Dog, Danzig, Life Of Agony, Biohazard, Monster Magnet, Kyuss (R.I.P.)...again, the list goes on and
...ich stelle fest ich kenneigentlich nur die Flughafen Zeit....
1994 21-22 May Airbase Welschap Eindhoven
1995 2 - 4 June Airbase Welschap Eindhoven
1996 24 - 26 May Airbase Welschap Eindhoven
1997 16 - 18 May Airbase Welschap Eindhoven
Aber wat ich da für Stories erlebt habe.....*vfeg*