Wacken 2003

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11 Juli 2002
Derby, UK
Ok so I don't want these nu-matal brats at Wacken either (no dispute at all)-nu-metal is another genre but at least it's heavy music, better the kids get in to that than other pop music-isn't it?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Was just looking over the posts regarding W.A.S.P.

When they were big in Sweden in the early 80's the Swedeish PTA (Hem & Skola) was outraged and said that if one listened to that horrible music one would grow up to be a mass murderer!
Or some shit like that...
My gos! They ate raw meat and covered themselves in blood!
Oooh, scary stuff :D :D :D

If it was possible to go back in time and give them some material on groups like Grave, Death and some others, they would probably drop dead right then and there :D

Would absolutly love to see them live at Wacken 2003!
Stupid fucking me didnät go to thier live show here in Stockholm a few years back because I couldn't find anyone that would go with me (!!!)
Nowadyas I always go to shows by myself if nobody comes along, I won't make the same misstake twice!


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA

I missed more opportunities to see WASP than I care to remember, simply because for the longest time I thought they were just another '80s bunch of "oooh oooh yeah baby get ya sticky with my love" glam rock posers. Then I picked up a vinyl of their first album at a charity book sale for $2 and found out just how dreadfully fucking wrong I was :D

That's one band I'm not missing for the world the next chance I can get to see them. So it would definitely be cool if they played Wacken next year!


W:O:A Metalhead
22 Juli 2002
Website besuchen
@ Witchfinder:

Well, as far as the trip to Wacken is concerned, flying is a must! I flew from Milan into Hamburg and it worked out perfect. I'm 32 and when I lived in Rome I used to take buses and trains to concerts and festivals back in the '80s and early '90s (not many bands came to Rome back then because not many venues are available). I just can't do it anymore! Besides, if you book in advance, say around may/june, I'm sure you can get good deals/fares. I flew back early Sunday morning and was in bed at home by 11AM! Slept all through Sunday, it was great...

I'm going to Wacken 2003 only if good bands are on the bill. I went to Wacken 2002 mainly for the reunion shows (Heathen, Nuclear Assault, Candlemass, Warlord), plus another bunch of bands I like (Exodus obviously, Cannibal Corpse, Immortal, Unleashed, Dornenreich, Kreator, Destruction, Children of Bodom). I doubt next year will be as good, but I'm hoping! If they manage to bill at least 8/9 bands I'm really into then I'll go! Unfortunately Stratovarius isn't one of them...

I doubt any black metal bands will be billed, unfortunately... Believe me, Darkthrone will never play at a festival like Wacken. Extreme black metal bands hate these kinds of metal festivals. Only semi-black metal bands (such as Immortal) would play an open air. I mean semi-BM because Immortal have become much more mainstream than they were before, still succeding in making great albums.

Having said that, I would love to see bands like Marduk and Dark Funeral, for example, at Wacken. If you add a couple of good death metal bands, like Deicide and Morbid Angel, I'm ready to go!


W:O:A Metalhead

Yeah i think i will be flying into Hamburg next year as 22 hours on a coach nearly killed me

how far is Wacken from Itzehoe ? i know there are the special busses ...but just wondered how far or how long it takes to get to Wacken ?

I think you are right about Darkthrone ...but they say they want to keep out of concert halls and will maybe play 2 or 3 big shows in europe .........so maybe there is hope of them playing Wacken but prob. not


W:O:A Metalhead
22 Juli 2002
Website besuchen
@ Witchfinder:

I didn't know Fenriz had said that, in that case we'll be keeping our fingers crossed to see Darkthrone next year!

Wacken-Itzehoe is a 10 min drive (15 kilometers approx.). Itzehoe is on the way to Wacken coming from Hamburg. Itzehoe-Hamburg is another 25 mins. (45 kms approx.).

This year I went with a couple of friends: we rented a car (€100 for 3 days) and stayed in a small hotel in Itzehoe (€25 per night). Maybe a bit expensive all togehter, but at 32 years of age 3 days camping (of which 1 under heavy rain) would have been too much to bare! Waking up and taking a hot decent shower plus a good breakfast is the only way to face 16 hours of concerts!


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
Originally posted by Blackwizard69
but at 32 years of age 3 days camping (of which 1 under heavy rain) would have been too much to bare! Waking up and taking a hot decent shower plus a good breakfast is the only way to face 16 hours of concerts!

ummm... I´m getting afraid...only 3 years more and I´ll be 32, too :D :D
Strange, cos my b/f is a bit older than you and he has no problem with camping and facing gigs the whole day long :D :D J/K


W:O:A Metalhead
25 Jan. 2002
For we are Metal eternally
bonded by blood we will be
together we stand side by side
we show our studs and spikes with pride :D

(Goddess of Desire)



W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Re: Darkthrone (again)

I just stumbled upon the Fenriz interview from 2001, in which he states

"We might be playing Wacken Open Air in two years time. Nokturno Culto was there this year and thought it was cool. I'm all against it, but then I'm very easy to persuade."



W:O:A Metalhead
22 Juli 2002
Website besuchen
@ Evenfiel and xpet:

I'm happy for you if you don't get tired! I went to my first live concert in 1981 (I was 12, Evenfiel wasn't even born!) to see Iron Maiden in Rome, and I've been going to gigs and open airs all over Europe ever since. If someone wants to go camping fine, if someone else wants to go in a motel that's fine as well: it's called freedom of choice, and THAT'S THE METAL SPIRIT, isn't it? Don't talk to me about metal spirit, 'cause that just makes me laugh, you don't even know me!!! Metal spirit as I know it is all about no rules, no form of judgement, and basically, do whatever the fuck you want in whatever way you wanna do it. If staying in a cheap motel instead of camping isn't "metal" enough for you, then sorry.

@ Mugabe:

If Darkthrone play next year I'll go just for them, never seen them live!