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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
So the mask wearing thing kept getting extended then BAM a 3 day lockdown that started at 4pm was announced late this morning. This time, no visitors to the home and you can only travel 10km from home for essentials. There's been community transmission of the delta strain and our state leaders haven't been fucking around with this pandemic. Our deputy premier was saying nice and slow so the retards could understand "DON'T PANIC BUY. SUPERMARKETS ARE AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE AND WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING LOCK DOWN. THEY WILL NOT RUN OUT OF SUPPLIES." and yet still, people were rushing to get groceries. Not me though; I'll do my shopping tomorrow like a grown up.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
So the mask wearing thing kept getting extended then BAM a 3 day lockdown that started at 4pm was announced late this morning. This time, no visitors to the home and you can only travel 10km from home for essentials. There's been community transmission of the delta strain and our state leaders haven't been fucking around with this pandemic. Our deputy premier was saying nice and slow so the retards could understand "DON'T PANIC BUY. SUPERMARKETS ARE AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE AND WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING LOCK DOWN. THEY WILL NOT RUN OUT OF SUPPLIES." and yet still, people were rushing to get groceries. Not me though; I'll do my shopping tomorrow like a grown up.
hope you'll manage to get things under control again over there.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
hope you'll manage to get things under control again over there.
Yeah, me too. :( I'm meant to be flying north to visit my brother in a couple of weeks, and my parents planned to start driving up later this week. My poor mother has been freaking out about it since the lock down was announced. Right now I'm not worried; not because I'm confident that everything will be fine (eh, it might be), but because after 18 months of this we're well versed in last minute disappointments. Which reminds me, I have to find out from my travel agent what my options are if I can't make it up on the day I'm booked to leave; I hope I get flight credit or something.

At least now with these lock downs I'm finding it a lot easier to mentally deal with them. I got a hecking lot of cleaning done in the last two days. :ugly:


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I'll do my shopping tomorrow like a grown up.
Just as I suspected, the shops were half deserted. :D The cashier I saw was just standing there waiting for something to do (something you never see on a weekend at lunch time, ever), and she commented on my hoodie, saying she loved it and asked where I got it. Well, it's a band hoodie I probably bought when she was a baby hahahahaha.

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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Aaaaand our lock down has been extended until Sunday, and the annual exhibition cancelled. I guess I can spend my days doing the things I would do "when I have the time" hahahahahahaha.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
It's a heck of a lot easier to deal with when restrictions are eased (even if it's just a little bit) every now and again. I don't remember the last time I made excuses not to top up my social batteries (as small as they are) so I'll be OK for a little while at least. In my region, this is the first time we've 1) not been permitted any visitors at all and 2) had our movements restricted. I'm treating it like the lottery right now: hope for the best but expect the worst outcome, and get a little excited for every small win.
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Reaktionen: Quark


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Autralians gvnt doesn't wait too long to lockdown. Yes, it sucks but to save lives, it has to be done. I went to look at the USA curve.. doesn't look good...

As per our stats here in Canada, 81% one dose and 67% fully.

the aussie government seems to have a zero covid strategy, which in my opinion is far superior to the "let's keep things going unless the hospitals are overflowing" strategy that the dutch government is using.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
They also sealed off the land (island)! Which is fairly easy, if you're an island! Just cut off all air traffic, and it's done.

And I don't talk about a bunch of incompetent fools in The Hague.:uff:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
They also sealed off the land (island)! Which is fairly easy, if you're an island! Just cut off all air traffic, and it's done.

And I don't talk about a bunch of incompetent fools in The Hague.:uff:

That does make it easier. but other countries with zero covid strategies have done a much better job then the western world as well.
And those countries aren't islands.
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Reaktionen: Quark