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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
19 and 2.6 here...
At least new cases remain really low even into the cold/flu season.

26.8 and 9.1 now.

In other news, someone dropped the ball, but it wasn't in my state, which is nice but also a bit shit. I was meant to play two shows with a friend from Sydney who I've only ever seen at HOA and WOA, and I haven't seen him in five years. A couple of weeks ago we had a 3-day lockdown followed by mandatory mask wearing until this Friday morning. I've been wearing the WOA 2019 mask and hand wash it most days, but I noticed I got a bunch of spots on my cheeks which never happens. Anyone else experience something like this?


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
26.8 and 9.1 now.

In other news, someone dropped the ball, but it wasn't in my state, which is nice but also a bit shit. I was meant to play two shows with a friend from Sydney who I've only ever seen at HOA and WOA, and I haven't seen him in five years. A couple of weeks ago we had a 3-day lockdown followed by mandatory mask wearing until this Friday morning. I've been wearing the WOA 2019 mask and hand wash it most days, but I noticed I got a bunch of spots on my cheeks which never happens. Anyone else experience something like this?

I've not experienced anything like it neither have i heard anybody who has had an experience like that.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'm a bit retarded; it took a while to figure out how to use my account with the new forum. Have I missed anything? Are we still living through an historical event? Is fun still not allowed?
It slowly starts here.
First festivals will take place on the weekend of August 13-15 (Alcatraz) and then on August 20-21 (Méan)
I'll go to the latter. It's a small fest, approx. 500 people.
There will be a HOA light on July 23-24, no camping, and Hörnerfest the weekend after (also without camping). I'm not going to either of them.

And apparently there's a substitute for Wacken in September. But no time for me either!
Besides, everyone will need to prove his/her health by a statement, saying that you're:
- either vaccinated;
- tested negatively on a PCRtest, not olther than (48?) 72hrs;
- cured from Covid, for more than 11 days after the positive test, but no longer than 180 days after it.

I'm curious on how this will work out.
26.8 and 9.1 now.

In other news, someone dropped the ball, but it wasn't in my state, which is nice but also a bit shit. I was meant to play two shows with a friend from Sydney who I've only ever seen at HOA and WOA, and I haven't seen him in five years. A couple of weeks ago we had a 3-day lockdown followed by mandatory mask wearing until this Friday morning. I've been wearing the WOA 2019 mask and hand wash it most days, but I noticed I got a bunch of spots on my cheeks which never happens. Anyone else experience something like this?
No. But I hardly use it. Only if someone is at the door, and I need a mask quickly. It's ready for grabs.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
It slowly starts here.
First festivals will take place on the weekend of August 13-15 (Alcatraz) and then on August 20-21 (Méan)
I'll go to the latter. It's a small fest, approx. 500 people.
There will be a HOA light on July 23-24, no camping, and Hörnerfest the weekend after (also without camping). I'm not going to either of them.

And apparently there's a substitute for Wacken in September. But no time for me either!
Besides, everyone will need to prove his/her health by a statement, saying that you're:
- either vaccinated;
- tested negatively on a PCRtest, not olther than (48?) 72hrs;
- cured from Covid, for more than 11 days after the positive test, but no longer than 180 days after it.

I'm curious on how this will work out.

No. But I hardly use it. Only if someone is at the door, and I need a mask quickly. It's ready for grabs.
with the experience we had over here in the past 2 weeks I'd be surprised if those festivals don't get cancelled after all.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Originally we were going to stop the mandatory mask wearing tomorrow morning, but they decided this morning to extend it for another week. 1) boo 2) at least we're not waiting for it to be a problem before an inevitable locking down.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
And actually, there should've been a conertation committee tomorrow here, but due to unexpected issues in Belgium, known as flooding, it'll be postponed until Thursday, 22 July. Juat a day after National Holiday.

Speaking of flooding, I'm safe! Not in the area, even though a village next to our city has been flooded as well. So far, the Sambre/Samber seems to keep the water into the bedding of the river. :uff:
  • Like
Reaktionen: agresionpower


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
And actually, there should've been a conertation committee tomorrow here, but due to unexpected issues in Belgium, known as flooding, it'll be postponed until Thursday, 22 July. Juat a day after National Holiday.

Speaking of flooding, I'm safe! Not in the area, even though a village next to our city has been flooded as well. So far, the Sambre/Samber seems to keep the water into the bedding of the river. :uff:
I saw something about that briefly on the news tonight. Looks horrific! Glad you guys are safe.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I saw something about that briefly on the news tonight. Looks horrific! Glad you guys are safe.
It could be worse. A friend of my wife has lost EVERYTHING! House included! She's currently in a hotel in the Liege area, on higher grounds. But have only the things they're carrying.
They spent 13hrs on their roof before they got saved.
  • Wow
Reaktionen: agresionpower