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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
So apparently all multiple day festivals in the Netherlands just got cancelled until september 1st
And people outside the Netherlands have to have a covis certificate to enter the Netherlands. Whether you are actually living there or not. Otherwise, back to where you came from.

Yeah right. I want to see this!!!

Bit sorry to say, but it's their own fault. Too much too soon!


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
And people outside the Netherlands have to have a covis certificate to enter the Netherlands. Whether you are actually living there or not. Otherwise, back to where you came from.

Yeah right. I want to see this!!!

Bit sorry to say, but it's their own fault. Too much too soon!

yeah it's all the result from stupid policies and wishful thinking
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Reaktionen: Quark


W:O:A Metalhead
had my second shot yesterday. So should be pretty well protected in about 14 days.
How do you feel ?

I was "ok" after my first shot (AZ) but the 2nd one (Moderna), I had fever, chill, body ache for 36 hours. It was 27c in my bedroom and I was freezing.

We might have to receive a third one in order to have 2 of the same vaccine in order to travel, uggghh:uff::uff:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
How do you feel ?

I was "ok" after my first shot (AZ) but the 2nd one (Moderna), I had fever, chill, body ache for 36 hours. It was 27c in my bedroom and I was freezing.

We might have to receive a third one in order to have 2 of the same vaccine in order to travel, uggghh:uff::uff:

after my first shot I felt very tired but this time around I don't really feel a thing. (pfizer both shots)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
How do you feel ?

I was "ok" after my first shot (AZ) but the 2nd one (Moderna), I had fever, chill, body ache for 36 hours. It was 27c in my bedroom and I was freezing.

We might have to receive a third one in order to have 2 of the same vaccine in order to travel, uggghh:uff::uff:
Got my 2nd shot 2 weeks ago. (Monday)
First, 2 days sick. 38° fever. Second, a bit feverish, but not that much of a thing.
And I had both AZ. We can't "swing" here (yet).