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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Really? I saw it in the cinema only a couple of weeks ago :confused:

It finally stopped :o I think putting ice on it aggravated the burn :o

Okay, I'm not sure, I should check. But I don't know if I even have anyone to go with because all my friends who wanna see it have seen it already, I think.

That's good! I remember when I still trained athletics, dad wanted me to put some sort of liniment after training. Apparently I was allergic or something to the liniment or some incredient in it and my whole body felt like it was burning. Then I just stood there while mom and dad but some ice to make it feel better. :D

It actually seems to be in theaters still! But I still have the problem that I don't know who to go with. We'll see.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Okay, I'm not sure, I should check. But I don't know if I even have anyone to go with because all my friends who wanna see it have seen it already, I think.

That's good! I remember when I still trained athletics, dad wanted me to put some sort of liniment after training. Apparently I was allergic or something to the liniment or some incredient in it and my whole body felt like it was burning. Then I just stood there while mom and dad but some ice to make it feel better. :D

It actually seems to be in theaters still! But I still have the problem that I don't know who to go with. We'll see.

i think itˋs worth to go alone. This kind of movie has to be seen on a real big screen..