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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
So, Jason Momoa as Aquaman...to quote my friend who posted the link on fb: "Ahh. Indeed. This. This is how you get [me] to give a hoot about Aquaman" :D

Jason was so good in Game of Thrones.

I played with the idea of organising a festival, which would last for a whole month. But I gave up on it. It would be too expensive to sell tickets for, and then you'd have to find a really good, beautiful location as well. Not to mention the number of bands you need to invite.

Sorry guys, but I think it is impossible.



A month at a festival would be crazy. Pretty sure I couldn't do it. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Also, this tropical low is causing chaos :o It hit the coast as a category 5 cyclone (I can't remember exactly where, but further south than normal I think) and we're coping the end of it, basically.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
It's so awesome! Should read the books as well..

I'm almost 450 pages into the first book :D

I sat down with my mum to watch the remaining episodes today, and a few times I had to hide my face when I knew she would react to certain things. Most episodes would end with her shouting "NOOOOOOOO!", "YOU BASTARDS!", "FUCK!", or my favourite "YOU CUNTS!" I don't know how she managed my brother's and my childhood without using such profanities around us :ugly:


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I'm almost 450 pages into the first book :D

I sat down with my mum to watch the remaining episodes today, and a few times I had to hide my face when I knew she would react to certain things. Most episodes would end with her shouting "NOOOOOOOO!", "YOU BASTARDS!", "FUCK!", or my favourite "YOU CUNTS!" I don't know how she managed my brother's and my childhood without using such profanities around us :ugly:

Oh, cool. :D I once tried to read the first book but it's too hard to read in english. Or at least then it was, and it was a couple years ago.

Haha. :D That's like me watching tv-shows and movies. Or playing. :ugly: