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6 Sep. 2014
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Black Label, Hate Breed and Butcher Babies are playing here on the 2nd, it is a Friday so there are like 10 of us going, yet another big party in a short amount of time. My liver is certainly taking a beating this Christmas season. So is my wallet, I could really use a free booze event right now as well, or I will have to mail myself in a cardboard box to Germany in July. I laugh as I get ready to go out and purchase more beer.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Black Label, Hate Breed and Butcher Babies are playing here on the 2nd, it is a Friday so there are like 10 of us going, yet another big party in a short amount of time. My liver is certainly taking a beating this Christmas season. So is my wallet, I could really use a free booze event right now as well, or I will have to mail myself in a cardboard box to Germany in July. I laugh as I get ready to go out and purchase more beer.

No concerts this year. I'll see what'll happen in 2015.