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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Right, I'm going to make another New Year's Resolution: finish reading my Game of Thrones book. If I have to watch the first season a few more times just to get my head around the storyline then so be it. I haven't read fiction for fun since year 7 (so a good 16 years now) and I'm pretty sure I've never read a book this thick from cover to cover before. Determined not to let it turn into my Harry Potter effort, where I read the first 30 pages of the third book and then didn't pick up the book again.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Right, I'm going to make another New Year's Resolution: finish reading my Game of Thrones book. If I have to watch the first season a few more times just to get my head around the storyline then so be it. I haven't read fiction for fun since year 7 (so a good 16 years now) and I'm pretty sure I've never read a book this thick from cover to cover before. Determined not to let it turn into my Harry Potter effort, where I read the first 30 pages of the third book and then didn't pick up the book again.

I never read any fiction. for pretty much the reasons you just described :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Eell, if you never buy one, you won't ever be lucky!
You'll always have a price though, the price you didn't pay for the lottery ticket. :D

Well yeah but I don't often win anything else either. And I'm afraid that if I do somehow win, I will get addicted. :KO:

just 1.5 days to go and than I'm done for this week. :)

Niiice! I went to work today and gonna go tuesday and wednesday as well. Good thing I have only 4 hour days. :D

Right, I'm going to make another New Year's Resolution: finish reading my Game of Thrones book. If I have to watch the first season a few more times just to get my head around the storyline then so be it. I haven't read fiction for fun since year 7 (so a good 16 years now) and I'm pretty sure I've never read a book this thick from cover to cover before. Determined not to let it turn into my Harry Potter effort, where I read the first 30 pages of the third book and then didn't pick up the book again.

Ooh I really wanna read those GOT books as well. I tried once but I think it's just too difficult to read in english if that's not your mother language. And I mean just GOT books because I do read some books in english.

Ooh that's nice! Want one too. :p