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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Well, i'm an call for work so didnt do anything.
And of course playstation network was offline because lizard squad ddos-ed the entire day. The onky good thi g that happened was that waynes world 1 and 2 where on tv :p

Oh that sucks. :( Yeah I heard about that, apparently same happened to xbox live. What I still don't understand is why did they do that?

How was your day?

It was good! Quite boring at dad's place (as always) but when I went to my grandma's house to see some relatives, it was nice. We have this tradition to go to cemetery on christmas eve so it was nice.

I'm glad it's over.

Oh. :(

Apart from my brother and his girlfriend coming in to wake me up when I only had four hours of sleep, it was pretty great :D

Yeah that's not nice! I didn't get to sleep as long as I wanted to either, since my dad and his wife don't know how to keep their voices down. :o


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Yeah that's not nice! I didn't get to sleep as long as I wanted to either, since my dad and his wife don't know how to keep their voices down. :o

I don't know why I thought it might be different this year :o I just want to sleep on Christmas day (like any Saturday or Sunday when I'm the last one awake), but every year without fail, everyone gets up pretty early and he comes in to wake me (usually by shaking the mattress and telling me "it's Christmas").


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Oh that sucks. :( Yeah I heard about that, apparently same happened to xbox live. What I still don't understand is why did they do that?

It was good! Quite boring at dad's place (as always) but when I went to my grandma's house to see some relatives, it was nice. We have this tradition to go to cemetery on christmas eve so it was nice.

Because they are big fat geeky virgins who will never get laid and therefore hate the world?

Is there any special reason to go to the cemetery? I personally never go (except for the couple of times that i went to a funeral.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I don't know why I thought it might be different this year :o I just want to sleep on Christmas day (like any Saturday or Sunday when I'm the last one awake), but every year without fail, everyone gets up pretty early and he comes in to wake me (usually by shaking the mattress and telling me "it's Christmas").

Aww. :( That's just mean.

Because they are big fat geeky virgins who will never get laid and therefore hate the world?

Is there any special reason to go to the cemetery? I personally never go (except for the couple of times that i went to a funeral.

Maybe. :D

Well we go to some graves, like my grandpa's. Before I didn't go, but when I started to spend at least part of the christmas eve with my relatives (mom's side), I started going there with them. It's quite nice, especially when there is snow.