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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I think he means brandy, moonshine, or stuff like that. :ugly:

Well, food is expensive at Bloodstock, so any spare space/arms were full of food from the supermarket and there was nowhere close to get supplies. The only drinks we could buy in the camp ground were full and half cartons of Fosters :)Puke: ) and cider.

As far as Germany is concerned...the Germans are weird! I offer to buy booze to share, they tell me "don't worry about it, we have plenty". If I buy booze to share anyway, they look at me funny, sometimes they accept, but often they decline and feed me their booze anyway :ugly: I gave up and bought food to share instead, and they were constantly asking for permission to have some! Bless :p

This year at Summer Breeze, our neighbours were offering me bourbon and Jäger...they ended as somewhat messy nights :ugly:


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Well, food is expensive at Bloodstock, so any spare space/arms were full of food from the supermarket and there was nowhere close to get supplies. The only drinks we could buy in the camp ground were full and half cartons of Fosters :)Puke: ) and cider.

As far as Germany is concerned...the Germans are weird! I offer to buy booze to share, they tell me "don't worry about it, we have plenty". If I buy booze to share anyway, they look at me funny, sometimes they accept, but often they decline and feed me their booze anyway :ugly: I gave up and bought food to share instead, and they were constantly asking for permission to have some! Bless :p

This year at Summer Breeze, our neighbours were offering me bourbon and Jäger...they ended as somewhat messy nights :ugly:

Bourbon and jager mixed? That ended badly for me once. :D