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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Yeah I really want to! We have some here too but I doubt they're as nice as in Germany. And I totally forgot to go this year... Oops.

Heck yes! And probably quite expensive... But it'd be nice to go.

You forgot to go to Germany? Or did you forget to go to the christmas market?

And yeah i think it'll be expensive too... i hope they'll let us know just how expensive it'll be soon


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
You forgot to go to Germany? Or did you forget to go to the christmas market?

And yeah i think it'll be expensive too... i hope they'll let us know just how expensive it'll be soon

I was thinking if it sounded like I forgot to go to Germany lol. But yeah obviously I meant that I forgot to go to xmas market. :D

Yeah. Even though I might not go 2016.. And I also think the tickets will go quite fast.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I was thinking if it sounded like I forgot to go to Germany lol. But yeah obviously I meant that I forgot to go to xmas market. :D

Yeah. Even though I might not go 2016.. And I also think the tickets will go quite fast.

So you did go to Germany? Or just to Wacken?

And yeah it'll probably go real fast. I hope i can find some friends who want to join.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
So is anybody interested in the full metal mountain thing? Seems interesting. I just wonder about how expensive it'll be

While the concept sounds cool, I'm not sure that I'd be able to handle it. Bloodstock and Summer Breeze this year were way too cold for me; I was already running around in a long-sleeve and three jumpers at more than one point :o


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
While the concept sounds cool, I'm not sure that I'd be able to handle it. Bloodstock and Summer Breeze this year were way too cold for me; I was already running around in a long-sleeve and three jumpers at more than one point :o

I've checked the website, but apart from the publicity they make, I haven't seen any practical information on price, how to get there, etc.
And it is in 2016! I don't know if I can get a free week in March '16, I won't even know if I work tout court!
This is rather preliminary. Not to mention, my intense dislike of snow and sunshine.
I'll stick to summer festivals. At least I won't have snow.


W:O:A Metalhead
Well what do you usually have on christmas? :)

Ragoût de boulettes (A hearty meatball stew commonly served during holidays) with cranberry sauce.
Tourtières (meat pies).
Sugar pies - for dessert

Winter food at his best :)

I hate this kind of food.. I only ate that once a year and I hate that already
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