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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I ate rabbit for the first time since I was in primary school, only this time it didn't taste like it had been soaking in vinegar since forever :p Not a terrible tasting meat :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
I ate rabbit for the first time since I was in primary school, only this time it didn't taste like it had been soaking in vinegar since forever :p Not a terrible tasting meat :)

my rabbit disapproves...



14 Jan. 2014
speaking of food and beer, what type of beer and food is sold at Wacken usually? and what is the rough cost? trying to work out exactly how much I will need with me for the week!! I looked at the FAQ thread but it didn't really answer.

Its not Tuborg lager like the UK festivals is it?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
speaking of food and beer, what type of beer and food is sold at Wacken usually? and what is the rough cost? trying to work out exactly how much I will need with me for the week!! I looked at the FAQ thread but it didn't really answer.

Its not Tuborg lager like the UK festivals is it?

It's Beck's, which is German piss, they (don't) call beer. Last year's price was €3.50 for 0.3 liter. There's better beer in the supermarket, but you can't take it to the infield. Camping however is no problem at all. Only thing, glass is banned everywhere. You can't buy it in the supermarket either. A check will be done before (re) entering the camping!

Food: all sorts of stuff, "Dutch fries" (why Dutch, I don't know) fish, pizzas, vegetarian food, Chinese food or at least, that's what they pretend, etc etc etc. But I don't know how much it will be. Haven't been there for 3 years.
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