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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I've been selected for jury duty and I didn't realise until today that I was meant to hand in the paperwork four days ago :o (I only got the form six days ago). I'll have to call my boss again tomorrow to follow-up with the letter of exclusion (whatever it's called) since we're short staffed and no-one else knows how to do my job at the moment. I think I should call the court directly to explain the situation too; with any luck I won't get penalised (much).

I'll cross my fingers for you. I would definitely call them directly too - just in case. You wouldn't want the police to show up to collect you (I don't know that they would, just saying)

Also I still hate this haircut :( I keep trying to flick my non-existent hair to the side in the shower :o
It will grow eventually :( I haven't cut my hair in at least 10 years so I can't say I remember that feeling.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
It's like they think I do things with my appearance to impress others. A more accurate explanation of my changing my appearance for others is to appease them, i.e. if I dress a certain way they'll keep paying me, or let me into the venue, or not arrest me for indecent exposure :ugly:

I've had those days in the past as well... really annoying.

It's a simple act of courtesy. Get over it :rolleyes:^^ People are just trying to be nice (or maybe actually mean it!)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

Am I glad to see the cars on the RIGHT side of the road now. :D:D:D

No, seriously, I had a good time in London, and probably will be going again next year! Hopefully with a Tampa Bay game, but I'm afraid there are others on the line.

And thanks to the people of London for marking the way to look when crossing the street. ( < look left, look right > ) And for reopening St. Pancras/King's Cross yesterday morning, after having been overcrowded. It got me home. :D


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
so if you met someone and they had changed their hair or lost weight and you thought it looked good on them, you would purposefully not say anything?

..cause that's kinda weird.

It depends how well I knew them. Commenting on someone's appearance when they are just a casual acquaintance isn't really a good idea. If I knew them well then yeah sure. Though I would probably say something like "I like your hair" or " that shirt looks good on you" I wouldn't actually ask "Did you lose weight?" because I find THAT awkward :p


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
yeah it's fun indeed. I need it for my new job :p

I figured.

I've had those days in the past as well... really annoying.

It's like they think I do things with my appearance to impress others. A more accurate explanation of my changing my appearance for others is to appease them, i.e. if I dress a certain way they'll keep paying me, or let me into the venue, or not arrest me for indecent exposure :ugly:

It's a simple act of courtesy. Get over it :rolleyes:^^ People are just trying to be nice (or maybe actually mean it!)

I see it both ways. It's annoying if you don't like attention, but if you do (or don't mind it), it can put a smile on your face. The intent is good, though, so just mentally roll your eyes and then get on with your life. :p