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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Every year we have competitions at the hospital for something to do with infection control, where they decorate a cake or something and the winners get announced in an email. From what I saw, nursing/medicine messes with people's minds :eek:


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Other than that, how's stuff?

Meh it's alright. Getting colder here so I am trying to keep up with my walking though I have decided that I will likely be joining my boyfriend at Tae Kwon Do once it gets too cold for me to walk much anymore.

The first Halloween party of the season (last Saturday) sucked bigtime and was a complete waste of time for me. They were SUPPOSED to play 80's but they ended up playing stupid top 40 rap, hiphop shite until we finally left. 80's I can deal with.. current 'pop' music..not so much.



W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Meh it's alright. Getting colder here so I am trying to keep up with my walking though I have decided that I will likely be joining my boyfriend at Tae Kwon Do once it gets too cold for me to walk much anymore.

The first Halloween party of the season (last Saturday) sucked bigtime and was a complete waste of time for me. They were SUPPOSED to play 80's but they ended up playing stupid top 40 rap, hiphop shite until we finally left. 80's I can deal with.. current 'pop' music..not so much.


I've been selected for jury duty and I didn't realise until today that I was meant to hand in the paperwork four days ago :o (I only got the form six days ago). I'll have to call my boss again tomorrow to follow-up with the letter of exclusion (whatever it's called) since we're short staffed and no-one else knows how to do my job at the moment. I think I should call the court directly to explain the situation too; with any luck I won't get penalised (much).


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Urgh had to deal with the inevitable "Did you get your hair cut? I like it! :D You don't like it? Oh no! Well I think it looks really good!" from EVERYONE today :uff: I'm seriously wondering if it's worth buzz cutting the whole lot, or if I will still have to wait like half a year for it to settle down and do what I want it to...

I've had those days in the past as well... really annoying.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
It's like they think I do things with my appearance to impress others. A more accurate explanation of my changing my appearance for others is to appease them, i.e. if I dress a certain way they'll keep paying me, or let me into the venue, or not arrest me for indecent exposure :ugly:

Good enough excuse as any to show up to my reunion in a Wacken t-shirt, jeans and running shoes; no-one said I had to dress up :p :ugly: