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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'd probably just get a flexi pass as I have in the past, where I can hop on any DB train within a certain amount of days. The trains don't really bother me :) Flying though (even short trips) are a real pain.
I'm not flying either. Especially if I have free rides in Belgium! And an additional 25% reduction in Germany (and on international travels as well)
But the Metal Train is a private train where (ordinairy) passes/tickets won't be valid.

And if I'm correct, I'll be arriving somewhere in the early morning in Itzehoe on Wednesday. (otherwise I'll take a night IC Tuesday from Cologne, to arrive in IZ on Wednesday, but I wanted to do the MT this coming year, if it runs on Tue)
The trip from here (anywhere in BE) to either Cologne or Itzehoe is free as well.

Ach so! Makes sense.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I'm not flying either. Especially if I have free rides in Belgium! And an additional 25% reduction in Germany (and on international travels as well)
But the Metal Train is a private train where (ordinairy) passes/tickets won't be valid.

And if I'm correct, I'll be arriving somewhere in the early morning in Itzehoe on Wednesday. (otherwise I'll take a night IC Tuesday from Cologne, to arrive in IZ on Wednesday, but I wanted to do the MT this coming year, if it runs on Tue)
The trip from here (anywhere in BE) to either Cologne or Itzehoe is free as well.
Ach so! Makes sense.

You will love the metal train. I would have loved it if I spoke more than a few words in German and my boyfriend wasn't so jealous about all the strange German guys who were hitting on me the whole trip. As it was, it was a very uncomfortable ride for me. And yes, You get to Izehoe around 6am on the Wednesday then stand in line for a bus to take you to Wacken.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
You will love the metal train. I would have loved it if I spoke more than a few words in German and my boyfriend wasn't so jealous about all the strange German guys who were hitting on me the whole trip. As it was, it was a very uncomfortable ride for me. And yes, You get to Izehoe around 6am on the Wednesday then stand in line for a bus to take you to Wacken.
I guess I will. :D

And since it'll probably be the last time I'll ever go to Wacken again... (maybe in 5yrs?) So I want to do the MT!
Almost the weekend for me! I can't wait lol :D

It is here. Busy as always. Going to Pairi Daiza tomorrow, and Sunday to Mini-Europe (again)


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
That sucks! :(

My elbbow hurts too. Old thing too. Got an operation 2 years ago. And every now and then it stings. A nerv thing. :/

Ouch. :( My knee hurts because some stupid slime bag thing is in wrong position and my kneecap can't move properly. I think that was the reason. :D I used to go to physiotherapy but I can't anymore because it's so expensive.