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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
The tea party escalated a little bit. One minute we're having a tea party that had gone one for 4 hours or so, then my friend and her friend who she used to work with are dressing up including make-up and wigs, then decide I should do the same. Next thing I know I'm walking out of her house in borrowed clothes, borrowed shoes, a borrowed wig and make-up, and on our way to watch River Fire in the city, then to a house party hosted by someone they know and whom I'd only met briefly once before.

Anyway, so my friend has many wigs - some for work, some for cosplay, and she thought the one I wore suited me and said I could have it. She's still trying to convince me to get extensions which I'm tempted to do, but if there's any kind of effort involved in the maintenance of said extensions, I'd be hesitant.

Crazy! :D

I guess there aren't any pictures of it. Shame. :ugly: