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W:O:A Metalhead
12 Aug. 2016
Washington DC, USA
Holy crap... glad I backed the right horse for my cheap o airlines from the US out to Europe....... To save my pennies.. I use IcelandAir........... but it was close to use WOW...... but I see this morning.. they are in a total collapse and all flights are now gone... Yikes!.
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Reaktionen: Quark


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Holy crap... glad I backed the right horse for my cheap o airlines from the US out to Europe....... To save my pennies.. I use IcelandAir........... but it was close to use WOW...... but I see this morning.. they are in a total collapse and all flights are now gone... Yikes!.

good call! would suck if your trip would end because of something like that.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Holy crap... glad I backed the right horse for my cheap o airlines from the US out to Europe....... To save my pennies.. I use IcelandAir........... but it was close to use WOW...... but I see this morning.. they are in a total collapse and all flights are now gone... Yikes!.

good call! would suck if your trip would end because of something like that.
I agree!
And it seems Icelandic Air isn't that expensive either! Just the lay over in Reykyavik is the only condition.