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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011

Dead Kennedy

W:O:A Metalhead
11 Feb. 2013
No. Not really. Do you have any plans for it?

No, just the usual stuff: shopping food at the super market for the next week, maybe we go to this big shopping mall near to my hometown...
For the rest of the time we have to see what else we'll gonna do. You see: no concrete plans. :)

Doing alright. Sore from my workout but that's normal LOL We have a long weekend here because Monday is a holiday in Canada. Tomorrow night is my 'date night' which we will be spending having a burger from our local place and then heading over to sample some beer from the best place in my area to find more than just a few types.

Wow! Such a long weekend would be fine. :cool:
I envy you for that! :)

Burger and beer sounds like a great program to me. :cool:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
No, just the usual stuff: shopping food at the super market for the next week, maybe we go to this big shopping mall near to my hometown...
For the rest of the time we have to see what else we'll gonna do. You see: no concrete plans. :)

Wow! Such a long weekend would be fine. :cool:
I envy you for that! :)

Burger and beer sounds like a great program to me. :cool:

Don't nag! You have regional holidays, even more than we have. (only 1, and not even official! :o)


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
My sister hasn't been in school. :( Stupid girl.


It's much easier to finish when you are supposed to than having to go back - sometimes after many years (like me). Trying to get back into the 'learning' mentality after you have been working full time for a while is practically impossible - not to mention the fact that if you drop out you have to PAY to go back, which really sucks.

I firmly believe that if I had stuck it out in school the first time I would have been far better off as well as much better paid by my age. As it is I put myself about 10 years behind in my career and I am now too old to be able to work any job for the amount of time that it would require to have a full pension from it - not that there are many jobs that exist anymore like this.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
What? :D You mean that I should take her to school?

I don't know how to react to this because I really know how it feels when you're everything but comfortable going to school. But I wish I hadn't dropped out because if I didn't, I would graduate soon.


You know what happened to you. You've got the experience. So what better example than yourself!