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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Won't happen. Only way I can fix it is to wake myself up semi-early even when I inevitably stay up late. Won't really have to do anything special though, because I have to be somewhere at noon anyway.

Also, I'm really not all that messed up anymore, except for times like today.
Ça va!

But one never knows. :p
I set my ringtone to Dethklok's ringtone. Phone calls are much more interesting now.

Is that a band? :confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Yeeey tomorrow (well today actually) I'll go to the first hockey game this season! It's been about 5 months (I think..) since I've been in a hockey game.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yeeey tomorrow (well today actually) I'll go to the first hockey game this season! It's been about 5 months (I think..) since I've been in a hockey game.

I'm waiting for October when I'll go to an NFL game. (National Football League = American Football)

My very first! In London as well. (though I had the chance of going to one in 2002, which I didn't.)


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I'm waiting for October when I'll go to an NFL game. (National Football League = American Football)

My very first! In London as well. (though I had the chance of going to one in 2002, which I didn't.)

I know that what NFL is. ;)

But yeah, that sounds cool! I've never watched American football, but I would love to go to a game someday.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I know that what NFL is. ;)

But yeah, that sounds cool! I've never watched American football, but I would love to go to a game someday.

Me too, in the US! ( wish I did 11 years ago though, even when it was a boring game)

But maybe next year (again for me) in London again. Presale starts around January. That's a bit too early for my likings.

And Good night to you too!!!


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
My sister hasn't been in school. :( Stupid girl.

Why that? Has she got any problems there?

I don't know how to react to this because I really know how it feels when you're everything but comfortable going to school. But I wish I hadn't dropped out because if I didn't, I would graduate soon.

Why didn't you feel comfortable in school?

Hey, we're still part of Europe even if we sometimes try and pretend we're not.


Dad was shouting at her quite a lot so I think she will go. :p

In my opinion he did right!
One day she'll thank him for for sending her to school and being straight to her.

it's like how the netherlands is a part of holland.



W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Why that? Has she got any problems there?

Why didn't you feel comfortable in school?


In my opinion he did right!
One day she'll thank him for for sending her to school and being straight to her.


My sister has had problems going to school for long time now. I'm not sure what's the problem but I think one of the reasons is that she doesn't really have friends in her class. She's going to be a waitress and first year they're also teaching them cooking things, and she doesn't quite like that.

I don't really know. I got always very anguished and stressed and all that. Every day before going to bed I pretty much cried because I knew that I had to go to school next day. And in the morning I might've cried too. When I was in primary school, if I didn't go to school someday, I had to have someone let the school know that I was sick or something. In high school I just stopped caring, because I just couldn't go there.

I don't think he did the right thing. Shouting doesn't change anything. And dad shouts at us every week, almost every day.