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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
I like any season as long as I can have a proper sleep, which at the moment I can't, since it's to warm in my bedroom :p

I live under the roof: that's the reason why I hate (!) summer! At night it's completely impossible to sleep! :(

My school hasn't started yet. :D And it's "evening" school anyway, so the classes are at 5pm - 8pm.

:DI see! It's an evening school. :)
There's no wonder why it's in the...
EVENING! :D:rolleyes::D

Only 8 but I live in Canada so just about everyone is almost finished work by the time I am having my lunch.

I'm so stupid. :rolleyes:
Sorry, in fact I know you live in Canada and so it's no wonder you were still at work.
I've read "20.00" and I didn't remember that Canada has (OF COURSE!) not the same time as we here in Europe. :rolleyes:

Same problem when Alix says "good night": at this moment I look at the clock and think: "huh!? "Good night"??? Now???". :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I live under the roof: that's the reason why I hate (!) summer! At night it's completely impossible to sleep! :(

:DI see! It's an evening school. :)
There's no wonder why it's in the...
EVENING! :D:rolleyes::D

I'm so stupid. :rolleyes:
Sorry, in fact I know you live in Canada and so it's no wonder you were still at work.
I've read "20.00" and I didn't remember that Canada has (OF COURSE!) not the same time as we here in Europe. :rolleyes:

Same problem when Alix says "good night": at this moment I look at the clock and think: "huh!? "Good night"??? Now???". :D

Tja... Even Milkie and Zombi have a time difference compared to us.

Respectively +1 and -1.
(Milkie +1, meaning it's 15.30h)
(Zombi -1, meaning it's 13.30h)


W:O:A Metalhead
Doing alright. Sore from my workout but that's normal LOL We have a long weekend here because Monday is a holiday in Canada. Tomorrow night is my 'date night' which we will be spending having a burger from our local place and then heading over to sample some beer from the best place in my area to find more than just a few types.

@ Quark - not NEARLY as many as Delirium Tremens but along the same concept.

Come to Chambly tomorrow afternoon. Beer festival!!

I will be there!! Rain or Shine :D:D:D

...and morning all!!