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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011

I will! :)

Haha, maybe. Or maybe they think that everybody will figure out what the info is about! :p
At six pm, 5 hours to go.

This is late, isn't it?
In my time at school such school-events were , as far as I remember, most time in the mornings or right after lunchtime.
So the whole day you have to sit around and wait till it starts? :(

Better, but then I started to feel icky again :(

Oh no! I hope you'll get well soon!

Heh, my phone was ringing at the other end of the house this evening and I decided not to try and answer it, because at that hour it's probably a phone operator and not a friend/relative. Seconds later the house phone rang, and I said to my mother "if it's [my car insurance company] I'm not home." So she answers it with "she's not home at the moment can I pass on a message?" then tells me it was the work union that called :rolleyes: Don't worry they called me back later anyway :)

:eek: Oh no! Your mother didn't know that you were waiting for a call of them?

Probably. The Dutch have already started, as far as I know. And for the other countries, I don't know.

The other countries don't really matter. The main thing is the Dutch and (of course) the Germans. If they're back to work or school (where they belong :D) the streets are more empty again and driving is a little bit funnier and less stressier than the last few weeks. :)

YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! :cool:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Good morning / good afternoon (whereever you are) folks!

How are you guys?

I' fine, 'cause: the weekend comes with big steps! :cool:
Do you have any plans for it?

Doing alright. Sore from my workout but that's normal LOL We have a long weekend here because Monday is a holiday in Canada. Tomorrow night is my 'date night' which we will be spending having a burger from our local place and then heading over to sample some beer from the best place in my area to find more than just a few types.

@ Quark - not NEARLY as many as Delirium Tremens but along the same concept.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Doing alright. Sore from my workout but that's normal LOL We have a long weekend here because Monday is a holiday in Canada. Tomorrow night is my 'date night' which we will be spending having a burger from our local place and then heading over to sample some beer from the best place in my area to find more than just a few types.

@ Quark - not NEARLY as many as Delirium Tremens but along the same concept.


Reminds me I have to go there too then. :D