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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I'm blocked for YT :rolleyes:, so I had to read it.


This is really weird! I've never heard of this case.
And yes, you're right: it is in fact quite interesting. :KO:

Because of the fact that my German is "a little bit" :confused: better than my English, I've read it in German language.

If somebody want to read it in German, too:
German Version

It was weird how they really tried to get ran over by car.


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
And? How's everyone today, 2 days before the end of the Belgian school holiday? :ugly:

I'm fine, thank's for asking! :)

Oh! So I think the German autobahns soon will be less crowded than the last few weeks. (Because here are the holidays over, too, as far as I know. :cool:)

It was weird how they really tried to get ran over by car.

Did they show it how they had those accidents, too?

Fine. Gotta go to this school info thing today. How are you? :)

What kind of "school info thing" is it?
About job-search and stuff?


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Did they show it how they had those accidents, too?

What kind of "school info thing" is it?
About job-search and stuff?

They both got ran over by car twice. They showed that all. The other woman got ran by truck and she survived.

Umm I'm not sure, they didn't tell us really. :D But I think it's just about basic things, for the new students like me.


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
They both got ran over by car twice. They showed that all. The other woman got ran by truck and she survived.

Umm I'm not sure, they didn't tell us really. :D But I think it's just about basic things, for the new students like me.

OK, I think I have to watch it when I'm arriving home this evening. :o

They didn't tell you? Sounds suspicious! :o
Maybe they were afraid nobody would come to this event if they would tell the subject before. :D

When will it start?


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
OK, I think I have to watch it when I'm arriving home this evening. :o

They didn't tell you? Sounds suspicious! :o
Maybe they were afraid nobody would come to this event if they would tell the subject before. :D

When will it start?

Yeah you should! :D The weirdness continues...

Haha, maybe. Or maybe they think that everybody will figure out what the info is about! :p

At six pm, 5 hours to go.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Heh, my phone was ringing at the other end of the house this evening and I decided not to try and answer it, because at that hour it's probably a phone operator and not a friend/relative. Seconds later the house phone rang, and I said to my mother "if it's [my car insurance company] I'm not home." So she answers it with "she's not home at the moment can I pass on a message?" then tells me it was the work union that called :rolleyes: Don't worry they called me back later anyway :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'm fine, thank's for asking! :)

Oh! So I think the German autobahns soon will be less crowded than the last few weeks. (Because here are the holidays over, too, as far as I know. :cool:)
Probably. The Dutch have already started, as far as I know. And for the other countries, I don't know.
Heh, my phone was ringing at the other end of the house this evening and I decided not to try and answer it, because at that hour it's probably a phone operator and not a friend/relative. Seconds later the house phone rang, and I said to my mother "if it's [my car insurance company] I'm not home." So she answers it with "she's not home at the moment can I pass on a message?" then tells me it was the work union that called :rolleyes: Don't worry they called me back later anyway :)

Oops! :o