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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Maybe, or perhaps they're told to use formal language at work? I don't know.

Yeah it was fun to learn, but I didn't continue with language studies once we were able to choose more elective subjects.

And yeah, at that age I believe my favourite bands (if I even had any at the time) were Aqua and Spice Girls :o In my entire life so far I've spent a total of 4 days in any country where French was an official language (ok, so Belgium :p ), compared to something like 7 weeks so far in German-speaking countries. Even if I could go back at tell the 10-year-old me to pick German instead of French and why, then 10-year-old me would be highly confused and choose French out of spite.

I graduated from high school 10 years ago this year, so in that aspect it is too late. If I could somehow get my hands on high school books then learning would be easier, but I've gotten a small way with the resources I already have :)

Even worse, you were in a place that had 2 (TWO) official langauges. French and Dutch! :p
Apart from the fact that English is Brussels' "third official" language,due to the EU that's there as well.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Is "Aqua" this danish (?) band that sang "Barbie Girl"? :confused:
Or is there any Australian Death Metal-/Grindcore-Band with the same name, which I don't know? :D

She (the 10 year old you :)) would choose French "out of spite"? Why that? Was "she" such a bad girl? :)

Yes, the Danish band Aqua that sang "Barbie Girl". I didn't get my metal calling until I was 12 (ok, nearly 13...whatever :p )

I don't know, I was a weird kid...nothing's changed :o


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Even worse, you were in a place that had 2 (TWO) official langauges. French and Dutch! :p
Apart from the fact that English is Brussels' "third official" language,due to the EU that's there as well.

I didn't feel like I struggled to understand written Dutch that much, but the best bit was when someone asked me a question in French and I gave them a blank stare, they skipped Dutch and went straight to English :D Even in the Netherlands not a single soul assumed I could speak Dutch :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yeah. :D But I don't know if that confuses people too much since we have only 17 stops and it's not very complicated. :D

From my experience, it doesn't.

People quickly can see that there are 2 different languages. (at least here)
So.. the French will recognise the French rather quickly, whereas I (and the other Dutch speakers) will recognise the Dutch quite easilly.

I think e.g. gnoff will see the Swedish names quickly as well, with his background. As you will quickly see the Finnish names first.

I guess I'd go for the Swedish names in Finland, but that's mainly 'cause it's "more logic" to my sense.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Same for us but it include buses also. 3$ single trip (or 23$ for 10 passes) to go anywhere on Montreal Island. The only restriction, your ticket is valid for 1:30 after activation.

If I go to metro and then also use bus (in Helsinki) then it's still 2.20. If I go to another city, it's more.

From my experience, it doesn't.

People quickly can see that there are 2 different languages. (at least here)
So.. the French will recognise the French rather quickly, whereas I (and the other Dutch speakers) will recognise the Dutch quite easilly.

I think e.g. gnoff will see the Swedish names quickly as well, with his background. As you will quickly see the Finnish names first.

I guess I'd go for the Swedish names in Finland, but that's mainly 'cause it's "more logic" to my sense.

Yup. :)


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
another interesting discussion :p

Yes it is! :)

But there's nothing like the legendary cow-discussion! :D

Yes, the Danish band Aqua that sang "Barbie Girl". I didn't get my metal calling until I was 12 (ok, nearly 13...whatever :p )

I don't know, I was a weird kid...nothing's changed :o

Oh my god... :D
Well, I think we all have our skeletons in the closet, right? :D

And you think today you're still weird?

We don't have zones. Our metro doesn't go very far. These are all the stops that we have.. Not many. :D

I can't look at this. :mad:
I'm blocked for this site. :rolleyes: