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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I think they thought you wouln't understand "Moin"? :confused:

Maybe, or perhaps they're told to use formal language at work? I don't know.

"Japanese" sounds cool, too. :)

With 10 or 11 years you didn't know that you would travel in the future to the W.O.A., right? :)
And now it's too late to change your decision, right?

Yeah it was fun to learn, but I didn't continue with language studies once we were able to choose more elective subjects.

And yeah, at that age I believe my favourite bands (if I even had any at the time) were Aqua and Spice Girls :o In my entire life so far I've spent a total of 4 days in any country where French was an official language (ok, so Belgium :p ), compared to something like 7 weeks so far in German-speaking countries. Even if I could go back at tell the 10-year-old me to pick German instead of French and why, then 10-year-old me would be highly confused and choose French out of spite.

I graduated from high school 10 years ago this year, so in that aspect it is too late. If I could somehow get my hands on high school books then learning would be easier, but I've gotten a small way with the resources I already have :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
but for that 2,80 you can travel quite a bit. when I take the train to the nearest station it's already 2,10 and that's seriously within walking distance.

the bus is about 1,20(home work). the bus in london is 1,40 and takes you way farther. so in the end there isn't that much difference.

And that's the point here. If you take the train from M'wijk to Centrum, that's expensive! Trains in NL are expensive as long as you don't have a reduction card. (which isn't cheap either)

Trains in Belgium are cheaper, and here everyone is also complaining it's expensive. Bus is cheaper, €2 for a single trip from e.g. Hasselt to Oostende, and €1.20 for e.g. Neerpelt - Overpelt) (pre sale, vehicle is more expensive) or €1.60 in Charleroi (city).
Brussels is more expensive with €2 per trip. (€2.50 if bought in a vehicle) or €3.50 for a return ticket.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Better than I expected. :D

Still 4×1.16 = 4.64€

And fo course, it matters what transportation you take. A bus is cheaper than the Tube. (where you have to check in and out like in NL)

which is about the same price as over here than :p
going to amsterdam is 5,20 and that's about 8 miles.
when you go from one end of zone 1 in london to the other end it's also about 8 miles.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Better than I expected. :D

Still 4×1.16 = 4.64€

And fo course, it matters what transportation you take. A bus is cheaper than the Tube. (where you have to check in and out like in NL)

I thought the buses and tubes were connected? i.e. if you had to make a journey on which you had to take both modes of transport. At least I know they were 3 years ago.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Here metro (underground, subway, tube, whatever you wanna call it) costs 2.20€. No matter if leave the metro next stop, it's still 2.20. Stupid.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Here metro (underground, subway, tube, whatever you wanna call it) costs 2.20€. No matter if leave the metro next stop, it's still 2.20. Stupid.

$4.80 here for a paper ticket travelling through the same zone :o
Wait what?! $9.50 if I want to catch the buses to the city (45 minutes) on a paper ticket??? :eek: Jeez I didn't think it'd been that long since I'd taken the buses to town :KO:


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada

Not everyone can drive (e.g. me, people under 18 (16 in Canada?), some handicapped people etc.) and ALL of us have the right to mobility without paying a bag load of money.

I completely agree with you! but we have a dictator for a Prime Minister who could care less about the actual people who live here. Personally I take the bus to work but even then it is a very long ride.


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Maybe, or perhaps they're told to use formal language at work? I don't know.

Yeah it was fun to learn, but I didn't continue with language studies once we were able to choose more elective subjects.

And yeah, at that age I believe my favourite bands (if I even had any at the time) were Aqua and Spice Girls :o In my entire life so far I've spent a total of 4 days in any country where French was an official language (ok, so Belgium :p ), compared to something like 7 weeks so far in German-speaking countries. Even if I could go back at tell the 10-year-old me to pick German instead of French and why, then 10-year-old me would be highly confused and choose French out of spite.

I graduated from high school 10 years ago this year, so in that aspect it is too late. If I could somehow get my hands on high school books then learning would be easier, but I've gotten a small way with the resources I already have :)

Is "Aqua" this danish (?) band that sang "Barbie Girl"? :confused:
Or is there any Australian Death Metal-/Grindcore-Band with the same name, which I don't know? :D

She (the 10 year old you :)) would choose French "out of spite"? Why that? Was "she" such a bad girl? :)


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Here metro (underground, subway, tube, whatever you wanna call it) costs 2.20€. No matter if leave the metro next stop, it's still 2.20. Stupid.

Here it's nearly the same: but we also have those "zones".
Don't know what the cost for 1 zone is (nobody needs only 1 zone, 'cause it's far too short), but 2 zones are 2,30 €.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I quicly did a check, the price for a Tube ticket (paper) is £4 (€4.64), the MINIMUM with Oyster is £1.50. (€1.68)
Where the £4 takes you to all zones. (I do not know about the £1.50 check in though)