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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yeah, I know. I watched a tv show on Quebec Micros and they did an episode on Mons. I never tried it yet. Matter of time :p

The only CANADIAN (and by accident also Quebec) beer I had was the "Fin du Monde".
But apparently it isn't brewed anymore.
I had it in a "crèperie" in Brussels which was run by a Belgian woman and a Québec man. He had it imported.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
How about http://www.lesbieresdumonde.com/ ???

It's in Aylmer! It's only beer from Quebec but hey, we make some great brew here!

It's not Belgium beers but at least, we can have some Floreffe, Chimay and Rochefort 8 and 10 (from our government controlled liquor store (SAQ)).

I got some Gulden Draak (private importation) and some other beers that I always bring with me after a trip to Europe.

Being in Montreal, I have plenty of convience store to get some micro local beers.

We are loyal customers! The only problem is that in order to try a beer you have to buy a whole bottle. SO far we haven't had much luck with them but after my tour with Q I have a better idea what kind of beer I like (malty ftw) so it will be a little easier to find something good there next time we go. That store is actually about 1/2 h walk from my house - can drive there in a few minutes ;)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
It's not Belgium beers but at least, we can have some Floreffe, Chimay and Rochefort 8 and 10 (from our government controlled liquor store (SAQ)).

I got some Gulden Draak (private importation) and some other beers that I always bring with me after a trip to Europe.

At least you can get Belgian beers. I can't get foreign beers here. (except here and there a "LaTrappe", and only 'cause it's a Trappist beer.

I would love to drink e.g. Dithmarscher, Duckstein, or a good foreign beer. But Belgium has sooo many...


W:O:A Metalhead
The only CANADIAN (and by accident also Quebec) beer I had was the "Fin du Monde".
But apparently it isn't brewed anymore.
I had it in a "crèperie" in Brussels which was run by a Belgian woman and a Québec man. He had it imported.

Unibroue still brew this beer but it is not Quebec own anymore. Sleeman and now Sapporo bought it. That's why I'm not buying this beer.


W:O:A Metalhead
At least you can get Belgian beers. I can't get foreign beers here. (except here and there a "LaTrappe", and only 'cause it's a Trappist beer.

Tasted LaTrappe (Netherlands) last year when I was in Nantes. A good trappist beer.

Maybe I can try to bring a bottle or 2 but we will have to drink it before entering the Wacken camp site :).

No way i'm bringing cans in my suitcase :D