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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I love it. Especially the "Scotch" version, but the brown (dark) isn't bad either. :)

I drank a "degustation" package last Saturday/Friday (don't remember).
It contained 4 "Fagnes", blond, darnk/braun, Scotch and Griottes.
The Griottes was the one I liked the least.


I miss having beer choices LOL we do have a bar here that has a beer menu which Bob and I are going to have to start going there more.


W:O:A Metalhead
I miss having beer choices LOL we do have a bar here that has a beer menu which Bob and I are going to have to start going there more.

How about http://www.lesbieresdumonde.com/ ???

It's in Aylmer! It's only beer from Quebec but hey, we make some great brew here!

It's not Belgium beers but at least, we can have some Floreffe, Chimay and Rochefort 8 and 10 (from our government controlled liquor store (SAQ)).

I got some Gulden Draak (private importation) and some other beers that I always bring with me after a trip to Europe.

Being in Montreal, I have plenty of convience store to get some micro local beers.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I miss having beer choices LOL we do have a bar here that has a beer menu which Bob and I are going to have to start going there more.
Open your own beer bar somwehwer. :p (if needed outside QC)
How about http://www.lesbieresdumonde.com/ ???

It's in Aylmer! It's only beer from Quebec but hey, we make some great brew here!

It's not Belgium beers but at least, we can have some Floreffe, Chimay and Rochefort 8 and 10 (from our government controlled liquor store (SAQ)).

I got some Gulden Draak (private importation) and some other beers that I always bring with me after a trip to Europe.

Being in Montreal, I have plenty of convience store to get some micro local beers.

Mons Abbeye is actually Belgian. Brewed in QC maybe, but the (master) brewer is Belgian, and the recipe as well. Even the name is Belgian. (Mons is the capital of Hainnaut Province)