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Heaven and Hell woulkd be great for Wacken. I'd like to see Manowar there too but they'd have to do the Thursday headlining slot cos they'd want to bring in some ridiculous PA to be twice as loud as everyone else.

Would love Slayer, Cannibal Corpse and Municipal Waste to be added myself.

And they'd have to make sure the catering was scaled down on the day they played so people are eating nothing but meat and feeling like shit because of it. Also, they'd probably insist that they are given 5 hours (3 hours of music, 1 hour of Joey's bass solos and an extra hour for all the "YOOOOOOO!!!! Some asshole is trying to keep Manowar down... blah blah" speeches) so therefore they can then say that MANOWAR fans demanded that they play the longest set in the history of Wacken so they can then send out another press release with more ridiculous things included. How can anyone not LOVE Manowar? It's Manowar's world... we just live in it.


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Nov. 2008
Ok I checked that, and the info is FALSE, Marilyn Manson is touring in the USA til mid August. *phew*:D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Ok I checked that, and the info is FALSE, Marilyn Manson is touring in the USA til mid August. *phew*:D

the same tour also has Slayer, sooo that also means they won't be at Wacken either... :(
which sucks basically, I'd much rather them at Wacken then on that crap bill going through the US :rolleyes:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
MM is doing Graspop! :eek:

Last time I saw him he got mad when the crowd returned mud to him that he started to throw first.
A pain in the (festival's) ass! :(

Edit Piaf zegt: Dynamo Open Air 1995, Vliegbasis Eindhoven. (Airport)


W:O:A Metalhead
3 März 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I don't see how Bullet can make it to Wacken. Their tour dates list them as playing at Wacken and Ohio, USA on the 31 July.

Oh well, if they can make it hopefully we get Slayer and Cannibal Corpse off that tour as well to compensate. :)