Ok, this is officially the worst line-up ever

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Death to Vatican

W:O:A Metalhead
8 Mai 2009
Torino, Italy (Juventusland!)
I agree with you.. i think the same....
In fact.. I think, that the WOA Organizers don't read the forums (perhaps the german forums) and they don't care what the fans thinks because they have 8,400,000 euros in their bags (70,000 x 120).

To me represent a lot of money to go to Wacken (this is my third wacken) around 1800 euros (airfare, WOA ticket, travel expenses, etc..)

Yes I know, nobody forces to me to buy the WOA ticket.. i bought it because i thought that this would be a very special fest for the anniversary.... but definitively this year will be my last wacken. I will prefer to go to other european fest.... and NEVER buy again a blind ticket.. I prefer to wait to see the line up of summer European festivals and decide.

Perhaps the WOA Orga wants to change the tag of "Metal Festival" to "Heavy Metal Festival" and change the kind of audience.. I don't know...
Wow! That's what I call a true metal fan!
I'll be travelling from Torino, Italy and that's a good 18 hours bus trip.
As you say, I'll never buy a blind ticket any longer. Regardless what they come up with the remaining 20-or-so free spots in the bill, I feel like the organization disrespected the rush to buying tickets we all did for this 20th anniversary festival.
They won't have it next year unles they start announcing names from now on.


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
I agree with you.. i think the same....
In fact.. I think, that the WOA Organizers don't read the forums (perhaps the german forums) and they don't care what the fans thinks because they have 8,400,000 euros in their bags (70,000 x 120).

To me represent a lot of money to go to Wacken (this is my third wacken) around 1800 euros (airfare, WOA ticket, travel expenses, etc..)

Yes I know, nobody forces to me to buy the WOA ticket.. i bought it because i thought that this would be a very special fest for the anniversary.... but definitively this year will be my last wacken. I will prefer to go to other european fest.... and NEVER buy again a blind ticket.. I prefer to wait to see the line up of summer European festivals and decide.

Perhaps the WOA Orga wants to change the tag of "Metal Festival" to "Heavy Metal Festival" and change the kind of audience.. I don't know...

Or perhaps just maybe you dont understand the point of the festival?! or the meaning of the term "a best of"?

I think I make my point about death metal fans... maybe I'l make a flag to that affect to wave... I thought emo's where annoying till I signed up here!

An please dont buy your wacken ticket too early from now on.... means with any luck the people who wanna go an dont have a ticket can get them before you! ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Mai 2006
Ramat Gan, Israel
Or perhaps just maybe you dont understand the point of the festival?! or the meaning of the term "a best of"?

I think I make my point about death metal fans... maybe I'l make a flag to that affect to wave... I thought emo's where annoying till I signed up here!

An please dont buy your wacken ticket too early from now on.... means with any luck the people who wanna go an dont have a ticket can get them before you! ;)
So on your opinion Orga should tell "fuck off" to all dm/bm fans out there, even those fans were devoted to the fest for years?


6 März 2009
Or perhaps just maybe you dont understand the point of the festival?! or the meaning of the term "a best of"?

I think I make my point about death metal fans... maybe I'l make a flag to that affect to wave... I thought emo's where annoying till I signed up here!

An please dont buy your wacken ticket too early from now on.... means with any luck the people who wanna go an dont have a ticket can get them before you! ;)

It's not the point to be a diehard death metal fan or not . The only thing requested in here are big names in every genres. The main problem is that for 130 €, we only get bands that play every 2 years and in only one style. You might call it a "best of " as you like but it's just not worth the price.
I'll tell the orga that I know the best way for them to earn a lot of money, " give them a best of show in 2011 or 2012 with Saxon, Motorhead, In flames, Amon Amarth etc for only 200 €, they'll be delighted with that ...I bet on a sold out within a few month "


W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
So on your opinion Orga should tell "fuck off" to all dm/bm fans out there, even those fans were devoted to the fest for years?
Yep, many "die-hard heavy metal fans" here don't realize that the fest had success with DM/BM as well, and that those fans deserve a great act too.

I mean, bring one or two good DM acts (Immolation ! ;) ) that have released several albums (no offense to Nervecell, they sound killer, but still quite underground) to show some respect to all the WOA fans around here, and the bill will be ok.


W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
It's not the point to be a diehard death metal fan or not . The only thing requested in here are big names in every genres. The main problem is that for 130 €, we only get bands that play every 2 years and in only one style. You might call it a "best of " as you like but it's just not worth the price.


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
So on your opinion Orga should tell "fuck off" to all dm/bm fans out there, even those fans were devoted to the fest for years?

Yet again you prove my point! ;)

You might call it a "best of " as you like but it's just not worth the price.

you bought the ticket! and you continue to prove my point!

Yep, many "die-hard heavy metal fans" here don't realize that the fest had success with DM/BM as well,

No no of course no one here realises that the festival has ever been succesful when fielding BM/DM acts... who knew wacken had been succsessful before?! I didn't... did you?! :eek: hang on you haven't ever been before have you!!!!? If my memory serves me correctly! So again you prove my point!

Basically my point is... SHUT UP! you aren't gonna get more big dm/bm names they've said that already, jus wait until you see next years line up before you decide if your going or not! You have absolutely no right to complain this incesintly when you bought a ticket and didn't know the line up! it is no ones fault but your own blame who ever you like but all your doing is denying responsibility for your actions!

Incidentaly I am a huge Black metal fan, and sure i'd have loved a big bm band to play but at the end of the day thats not what wacken is about this year its about origins and some straightforward heavy metal and being a fan of metal as a whole I will watch some good bands and have fun and next year I will be back and we will see who's playing then (yes i buy my ticket before they anounce bands too! becuase I know what a party wacken is!)

I was gonna go on but I can't be bothered! my point is your making DM fans out to act like whining emo kids its embarrasing!


W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
Sorry guy, but you aren't telling anyone to shut up. ;)

I mean we don't agree, we know that, but still we have arguments that you can't just deny with your "you shouldn't have bought your ticket" stuff.

Why can't you just admit that a good dm act is missing ? Not an headliner, as you say, we know we won't have one, but some bands that have a good career behind them. WOA gathers people from all genres of metal, and thanking them all for their support seems fair enough.

No I'm glad that you enjoy this line-up as it is, but still I'll never shut up to please you. And the more you'll try to give me some "shut up" arguments, the more I will piss you off, I can promise you ;)