
For me, Wacken is the happiest place on earth; rain or shine, sober, drunk or hung-over, healthy or bed-ridden...makes no difference! I certainly hope you have the same experience

I've been three times so far and only met the most friendly/loving/giving people in Wacken
If you happen to forget to pack anything, it's possible to get almost anything you need even in Wacken itself. I guess the most important tips I can offer are as follows:
- If it's only Wacken you are attending, you won't need to pack a mallet. The grounds are nice and soft, and incredibly comfortable to sleep on.
- I'm a fan of money belts, where I keep my most important items: passport, spare money cards, spare keys, rail passes and concert tickets. My next most important items stay in my pockets or around my neck at all times (phone, cash, camera). I've never misplaced or had anything stolen (that wasn't easily replaced) while holidaying in Europe, so I personally will continue to do that.
- If you're bringing your own tent, practice setting it up and check it for leaks before you leave Brazil, and don't forget spare repair tape.
- By yours and my standards, the nights can get pretty cold, so pack a long-sleeve and a couple of hooded jumpers (with the intention of wearing them all at the same time, if like me, you really can't handle the cold), or at least buy some when you get there.
- Make friends with a group who remembered to bring a marquee

- A single trip from Hamburg to Itzehoe is about 13 euros. Group tickets are also available and if you fill all the spaces (I think it's 5) it works out to half the price per person. Don't let anyone try to con you into paying more (unfortunately I got scammed this year by this guy who I assume did this all day between Hamburg hbf and Elmshorn on Wednesday, and then again at Itzehoe on Sunday).