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W:O:A Metalhead
13 Mai 2013
Thank You, my friend and I are probably a little older than the average Wacken attendee:D,.I have always wanted to go to Wacken,so now I have the chance,I'm really looking forward to the experience,lets just say I'm growing old disgracefully:p

There is a wide ranges of ages at Wacken. I saw children to people in the 50s or older. You and your friend will fit right in. Hey I'm almost 45. :D


14 Aug. 2013
There is a wide ranges of ages at Wacken. I saw children to people in the 50s or older. You and your friend will fit right in. Hey I'm almost 45. :D

The best thing about Metal is that it transcends many ages,I grew up with metal but for the last few years I have got into the industrial scene and as the scene is quite small in Sydney you tend to see the same people at gigs,my friend and I are always the oldest by far at these gigs,we joke that they are probably thinking "OMG the nana's are here again".:eek:. I'm sure we'll fit right in at Wacken although I don"t think I can do the "Wall of Death" anymore;)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Thank You, my friend and I are probably a little older than the average Wacken attendee:D,.I have always wanted to go to Wacken,so now I have the chance,I'm really looking forward to the experience,lets just say I'm growing old disgracefully:p

One is as old as one feels oneself! :p
There is a wide ranges of ages at Wacken. I saw children to people in the 50s or older. You and your friend will fit right in. Hey I'm almost 45. :D

I have to agree here. AND... I'm about your age!
Hello All.

My name is Mike, I am 37 from the US in the cold state of Minnesota. This will be my first WOA and I can't wait. Just got my tickets last night as part of the raffle. I plan to be on here a lot as I will probably have quite a few questions between now and next year's show as this will be my first trip to Europe as well.



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hello All.

My name is Mike, I am 37 from the US in the cold state of Minnesota. This will be my first WOA and I can't wait. Just got my tickets last night as part of the raffle. I plan to be on here a lot as I will probably have quite a few questions between now and next year's show as this will be my first trip to Europe as well.



Take a look in the thread that's (for the time being still) called 50,000 before Wacken, and get to know more here. (it's more like a chat than a forum topic actually :D)

And we have/had a user from MN before. :)