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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Most beers I had was between 5 and 6 USD, icluding gratituity (however you sepll that) with 15%.

Most beers were 33 cl or 355 ml bottles, there were 750 ml cans of Fosters that were just short of 8 USD, making them very valuable for alcohol per dollar, but after just one I fugured let others worry about that...

They did have the 355 ml bottled version of Guinness Foreign Extra though at 7.5% ABV, which would give you a nice buzz fairly fast.

Other beers available:
Guinness draught (cans)
Bass Pale Ale
Budweiser + Bud light
Miler + Miller Light
Amstel + Light
Blue Moon

I'm pretty sure there were others too, but that's about it I can remember.
I mainly had Cocona with lime during the day and Guinness FE during the night.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Most beers I had was between 5 and 6 USD, icluding gratituity (however you sepll that) with 15%.

Most beers were 33 cl or 355 ml bottles, there were 750 ml cans of Fosters that were just short of 8 USD, making them very valuable for alcohol per dollar, but after just one I fugured let others worry about that...

They did have the 355 ml bottled version of Guinness Foreign Extra though at 7.5% ABV, which would give you a nice buzz fairly fast.

Other beers available:
Guinness draught (cans)
Bass Pale Ale
Budweiser + Bud light
Miler + Miller Light
Amstel + Light
Blue Moon

I'm pretty sure there were others too, but that's about it I can remember.
I mainly had Cocona with lime during the day and Guinness FE during the night.

On a US cruise and still Dutch (rubbish) beer!? :eek: