Merchandise and all that stuff

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W:O:A Metalhead
13 Aug. 2012
St. Louis, MO USA
From my experience, if you arrive at the festival on Wednesday, you're not going to have too much trouble getting some official Wacken merchandise.

My camp's managed to get exactly the stuff we want every year by doing our merch shopping during Wednesday afternoon/evening. Note that they have two big places where you can shop - they have a big site on the festival grounds and they have merch sales in the official Wacken Office in the village as well.

Typically they'll have about 5 different models/colours of T-Shirts with the same available in hoodies as well + girlie versions too.

They generally seem to be pretty ready and aware of how much they should have and what sort of sales to expect - but yes, if you pop by friday evening, you are most likely going to have some problems getting exactly what you want. :p

Sweet. I hope that's the case this year. In any event I'll make sure to get there early on Wednesday and grab a shirt and other stuff.

I'm guessing at the metal market there are tons of merch from bands and stuff as well? Probably a bit easier to shop for as well?

On a related note...does anyone know if US XXL mean the same size in European clothes? Kind of a strange question but I'd hate to buy shirts to find they are smaller than what I expected...or larger for that matter.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sweet. I hope that's the case this year. In any event I'll make sure to get there early on Wednesday and grab a shirt and other stuff.

I'm guessing at the metal market there are tons of merch from bands and stuff as well? Probably a bit easier to shop for as well?

On a related note...does anyone know if US XXL mean the same size in European clothes? Kind of a strange question but I'd hate to buy shirts to find they are smaller than what I expected...or larger for that matter.

S, M, L, XL and so on are US measures.

And as always, it depends on the manufacturer as well. Some XL are like XXL, others are more like L. One can't really tell. Try them I'd say. Most will let you do that.


10 Aug. 2011
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sweet. I hope that's the case this year. In any event I'll make sure to get there early on Wednesday and grab a shirt and other stuff.

I'm guessing at the metal market there are tons of merch from bands and stuff as well? Probably a bit easier to shop for as well?

On a related note...does anyone know if US XXL mean the same size in European clothes? Kind of a strange question but I'd hate to buy shirts to find they are smaller than what I expected...or larger for that matter.

As the other poster said, try them. Generally in my experience the American sizes are a little larger than the average European. I would typically buy XXL in Europe and XL from the States, for example. But it varies :p

There's lots and lots of random merchandise for sale at Wacken. They have the in-door Metal Market which is mostly CDs and such, but also some random merch, patches, tees etc. But the outside section of the shopping area, well, that's a huge place. Everything from swords, gas masks, chain mails to patches, flags, t-shirts, hoodies, vests, boots, hats of all shapes and sizes, bandanas, tattoos, piercings etc etc.

The best part, to me, is that it's very much a treasure hunt. There's so much, and there's no "system" to it, so it's just dig in to a shelf and hope you find what you are looking for - or ask the guys at the shops of course. A lot of the shops are bringing relevant stuff (merch related to the bands playing) and do a lot of sales etc, so there's plenty of options to spend money.

If you're a girl, or bringing your gf, be prepared to spend quite a bit of time on the "shopping mile" - I think last year (my gf's first Wacken), we spent a full afternoon just walking around there, and we didn't even get through half of it..

Bonus info:

Typical prices
band tee: €15-20
band hoodie: €30-40
Patches: €10 (for 3-5 patches depending on size and shape)
Flags: €10

And yes. They sell actual swords and axes etc. Viking armors and helmets too. And drinking horns. Make sure you get a drinking horn and get some Wacken Met from the ship @ Wackinger Village. Most important task if you have Scandinavian blood in your family ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Aug. 2012
St. Louis, MO USA
Awesome! Sounds great. I was just wondering as usually a XXL fits my fat ass, but I bought some shirts at Bolt Thrower earlier in the month and they were a bit smaller than I expected for the size category. Thought maybe they were made over in England and sizeing was not the same as fat American sizes. :D

I plan on getting a drinking horn for sure, and some patches to start a vest. Along with a bunch of shirts.

Not Scandinavian but a lot of German blood. Got the hammer of Thor tattooed on me though.


15 Aug. 2012
California, USA
Awesome! Sounds great. I was just wondering as usually a XXL fits my fat ass, but I bought some shirts at Bolt Thrower earlier in the month and they were a bit smaller than I expected for the size category. Thought maybe they were made over in England and sizeing was not the same as fat American sizes. :D

I plan on getting a drinking horn for sure, and some patches to start a vest. Along with a bunch of shirts.

Not Scandinavian but a lot of German blood. Got the hammer of Thor tattooed on me though.

I got a 1.2 litre drinking horn for around 25-30 euro, they have many sizes there and many different prices and finishes. That qould be in the wackinger villiage. I know in 2010 we recieved a patch with that years color scheme and year in our full metal bag, not sure if they do that any more though.

The metal market is the place to get anything you desire, finding a stormwarrior shirt (as well as a wintersun in 2010) is not the easiest, i found it on the third tent i visited.

Get your official WOA merch early as possible, we arrive on tuesday so hopefully theres enough. Last time i waited until later in the festival and they were out of almost every size, i think XL was all that was left after the purchase of the last medium for a friend of mine. If you're super worried about getting a size, PM me and ill give you my german cell #'s or facebook info and i can pick up the size you need in advance and we can meet somewhere on the grounds.


10 Aug. 2011
Copenhagen, Denmark
Along these same lines, do the vendors take credit cards or is it cash only?

As Quark said, cash only.

There are ATMs, but if you plan on using them, be prepared for a long queue. While I know it's risky, I tend to get all the cash at once and then spread it out in different pockets and such (like you'd do when travelling backpacker-style). That way I spend less time in a queue and more time enjoying the festival.

At least that's worked for me the last two years :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
As Quark said, cash only.

There are ATMs, but if you plan on using them, be prepared for a long queue. While I know it's risky, I tend to get all the cash at once and then spread it out in different pockets and such (like you'd do when travelling backpacker-style). That way I spend less time in a queue and more time enjoying the festival.

At least that's worked for me the last two years :D

Or use an ATM at Hamburg station if you're there.


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Aug. 2012
St. Louis, MO USA
I got a 1.2 litre drinking horn for around 25-30 euro, they have many sizes there and many different prices and finishes. That qould be in the wackinger villiage. I know in 2010 we recieved a patch with that years color scheme and year in our full metal bag, not sure if they do that any more though.

The metal market is the place to get anything you desire, finding a stormwarrior shirt (as well as a wintersun in 2010) is not the easiest, i found it on the third tent i visited.

Get your official WOA merch early as possible, we arrive on tuesday so hopefully theres enough. Last time i waited until later in the festival and they were out of almost every size, i think XL was all that was left after the purchase of the last medium for a friend of mine. If you're super worried about getting a size, PM me and ill give you my german cell #'s or facebook info and i can pick up the size you need in advance and we can meet somewhere on the grounds.

I appreciate the offer dude, very kind of you! I'm not arriving until Wed afternoon so hopefully they aren't cleaned out that fast. Might take you up on your offer just in case though.


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Aug. 2012
St. Louis, MO USA
I'm planning on just carrying enough Euros on me in a money belt, along with my passport and all that stuff. I'll get some before I leave and then when I'm at the Hamburg airport when we land. I'm bumming around for a few days before the festival so I'll get all that taken care of. Standing in line for an house and with my luck only to have the machine tapped out when I get there isn't my idea of time well spent.