Kinder und Minderjährige

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Kinder und Jugendlichen auf dem W:O:A?

  • - Keine Alterseinschränkung

    Stimmen: 30 11,7%
  • - Ab 14 (Übergang vom Kind zum Jugendlichen in Deutschland)

    Stimmen: 51 19,9%
  • - Ab 16 (Bier- und Zigarettenkonsum, Kommunal+(Landtags)wahl, usw)

    Stimmen: 135 52,7%
  • - Ab 18

    Stimmen: 40 15,6%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Juli 2010
Oberbayern am Land :-D
That's cool and sure I feel sorry for those people but it isn't relevant to a thread about the safety of children.
In Deutschland heisst es immer, wenn wieder ein Mißbrauchsskandal durch Kirche und Co in den Medien publik wird, dass alle Leute die Augen offen halten sollen. Mißbrauch findet leider oft genau beim "ach so netten" Nachbarn oder dem "guten Onkel" statt.

Je mehr Augen, desto eher wird sowas aufgedeckt.

Auch hier: das gilt immer und überall, und damit auch auf einem Festival.
In Germany, whenever another abuse scandal by the church and the like is publicised in the media, everyone is told to keep their eyes open. Unfortunately, abuse often takes place at the "oh so nice" neighbour's or the "good uncle's" house.

The more eyes there are, the more likely it is that such things will be uncovered.

Again, this applies always and everywhere, and therefore also at a festival.

Translated with (free version)


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
In Deutschland heisst es immer, wenn wieder ein Mißbrauchsskandal durch Kirche und Co in den Medien publik wird, dass alle Leute die Augen offen halten sollen. Mißbrauch findet leider oft genau beim "ach so netten" Nachbarn oder dem "guten Onkel" statt.

Je mehr Augen, desto eher wird sowas aufgedeckt.

Auch hier: das gilt immer und überall, und damit auch auf einem Festival.
In Germany, whenever another abuse scandal by the church and the like is publicised in the media, everyone is told to keep their eyes open. Unfortunately, abuse often takes place at the "oh so nice" neighbour's or the "good uncle's" house.

The more eyes there are, the more likely it is that such things will be uncovered.

Again, this applies always and everywhere, and therefore also at a festival.

Translated with (free version)
In England we do not have this attitude, so this is quite foreign to me, but even if it's true that Germans are like this, this still isn't relevant to the safety of children at Wacken.


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Aug. 2016
That's cool and sure I feel sorry for those people but it isn't relevant to a thread about the safety of children.
since YOU decide what's helpful for this thread and what isn't, I guess I'll have to go along with it. Unfortunately, my opinion that the emotional state is also responsible for the safety of a child is probably wrong. a pity. Thanks also for analyzing my own psychological stability so well.
  • Like
Reaktionen: Skargon89


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
since YOU decide what's helpful for this thread and what isn't, I guess I'll have to go along with it. Unfortunately, my opinion that the emotional state is also responsible for the safety of a child is probably wrong. a pity. Thanks also for analyzing my own psychological stability so well.
No problem, any time.

The reason it is not relevant to this thread is that this "emotional damage" can occur in literally any situation, not just at a metal festival.

Even if you could justify that Wacken increases "child emotional damage" compared to other situations, it is still wildly subjective. Physical harm is not. The most we can hope to protect in such a situation is from physical harm or extreme inappropriate emotional abuse (the kind that also would not be tolerated between adults). Petty quarrels between family members are certainly outside of the scope of what can and should be considered by the festival rules.


W:O:A Metalmaster
16 Juli 2010
Oberbayern am Land :-D
In England we do not have this attitude, so this is quite foreign to me, but even if it's true that Germans are like this, this still isn't relevant to the safety of children at Wacken.
Ich sah 2015 Kleinkinder, die im Pißschlamm neben den Pißpilzen gespielt haben.
Die so tollen Aufsichtpersonen = Eltern waren: Sternhagelvoll und desinteressiert, was die Kinder so machen.
Die Security und Polizei hat das allerdings schon interessiert, und es würde mich auch nicht wundern, wenn derartiges Verhalten der Eltern zu einer Meldung beim Jugendamt führt.

Dass ihr in England lieber wegschaut, wenn Schutzbefohlene missbraucht werden, ist euer Ding, hier in Deutschland läuft das eben anders.
I saw toddlers playing in the piss mud next to the piss mushrooms in 2015.
The so great supervisors = parents were: Starstruck and disinterested in what the children were doing.
The security and police were interested, however, and I wouldn't be surprised if such behaviour by the parents led to a report to the youth welfare office.

In England you prefer to look the other way when your charges are abused, that's your thing, but here in Germany things are different.

Mark Twain — 'Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.'


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
Ich sah 2015 Kleinkinder, die im Pißschlamm neben den Pißpilzen gespielt haben.
Die so tollen Aufsichtpersonen = Eltern waren: Sternhagelvoll und desinteressiert, was die Kinder so machen.
Die Security und Polizei hat das allerdings schon interessiert, und es würde mich auch nicht wundern, wenn derartiges Verhalten der Eltern zu einer Meldung beim Jugendamt führt.

Dass ihr in England lieber wegschaut, wenn Schutzbefohlene missbraucht werden, ist euer Ding, hier in Deutschland läuft das eben anders.
I saw toddlers playing in the piss mud next to the piss mushrooms in 2015.
The so great supervisors = parents were: Starstruck and disinterested in what the children were doing.
The security and police were interested, however, and I wouldn't be surprised if such behaviour by the parents led to a report to the youth welfare office.

In England you prefer to look the other way when your charges are abused, that's your thing, but here in Germany things are different.

Mark Twain — 'Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.'
Playing in piss is physical harm, which is what I’m saying is relevant. Are you confused?


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
I’m saying that physical harm is relevant but the petty quarrelling of families is not. Do you really think playing in piss is “petty quarrelling”?


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Aug. 2016
Die Diskussion kann man sich leider wirklich schenken. Wenn ein Kind einen Samstag in Pisse spielt, stirbt es davon genauso wenig, wie wenn es emotional vernachlässigt wird. Trotzdem wird das körperliche so viel höher gehangen. Und wenn man das anspricht, hat man quasi Burn Out und Helfersyndrom. Da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren.


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
Die Diskussion kann man sich leider wirklich schenken. Wenn ein Kind einen Samstag in Pisse spielt, stirbt es davon genauso wenig, wie wenn es emotional vernachlässigt wird. Trotzdem wird das körperliche so viel höher gehangen. Und wenn man das anspricht, hat man quasi Burn Out und Helfersyndrom. Da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren.
Physical harm takes a higher precedent because you can actually prove it immediately while emotional harm is far more subjective and thus cannot be a part of any policy or argument for the safety of children at Wacken


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
Because the emotional state of a child is such a subjective situation it cannot possibly be within the responsibilities of the festival organisers. It isn’t their job to ensure we are happy


27 Apr. 2007
Physical harm takes a higher precedent because you can actually prove it immediately while emotional harm is far more subjective and thus cannot be a part of any policy or argument for the safety of children at Wacken

Then let's take it to the extreme:
All disgust aside, how is playing mud with piss physically more harmful than playing in mud without?


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2011
Physical harm takes a higher precedent because you can actually prove it immediately while emotional harm is far more subjective and thus cannot be a part of any policy or argument for the safety of children at Wacken

Und genau deswegen lässt sich das nicht so einfach damit abtun, dass die Eltern schon wissen würden, was gut für ihr Kind ist und was nicht. Bis zu einem gewissen Grad kann man das sicherlich wissen, aber ein Festival mit ~80.000 Besuchern ist für niemanden etwas Alltägliches - und für Kinder noch weniger.


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
Then let's take it to the extreme:
All disgust aside, how is playing mud with piss physically more harmful than playing in mud without?
If there is no physical harm of children playing in piss then sure they should be allowed to, it’s not my business to project my own idea of whether or not a child should play in piss onto them if it isn’t physically harmful


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Juli 2022
Und genau deswegen lässt sich das nicht so einfach damit abtun, dass die Eltern schon wissen würden, was gut für ihr Kind ist und was nicht. Bis zu einem gewissen Grad kann man das sicherlich wissen, aber ein Festival mit ~80.000 Besuchern ist für niemanden etwas Alltägliches - und für Kinder noch weniger.
Again I just don’t think that it’s the responsibility of the organisers to tend to the potential “emotional damage” of children