For the members of Cannibal Lunch

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W:O:A Metalmaster
24 Nov. 2001
Green Valley Country
Original geschrieben von TTP
Ja mach mal ist gut... ich bin da untalentiert! Im zweifelsfall müssen wir uns eben im Forum ein wenig Unterstützung holen... Wir können ja mal einen Wettbewerb machen, wer uns das beste Logo bastelt... dem Gewinner machen wir bei Gelegenheit mal Frühstück oder so. :D

Yeah! Original "incontinentia breakfast by Cannibal Lunch"... ;)

Okay, dann sollten wir uns mal bereden, was wir uns so vorstellen, von wegen Ei und Schinken und so...


W:O:A Metalmaster
Ich hab hier mal einen unserer geistigen Ergüsse zusammengestellt, den wir spontan zusammengereimt haben. Ich bin aber zu faul zu markieren, welche Passagen von wem gedichtet wurden :D

Take em and squeeeeze 'em
Them Balls
Them Nuts
Squeeeeeeeze till the juice comes drooling out

You´ll die
You´ll frie

I will kill you
I will grill you
and you will be toasted
in the fires of hell roasted

Feed me
Shave me
Kill me
Roast me
Puke me

and repeat it for the rest of your whole damned fucking bullshit life.

This is the sound of the brutal meat
This is the way that your life is gonna end
In the Bend
Of a sewage drain
You had nothing to gain
With your little brain
Incapeable of coping the strain
Of this nut treading life
So full of strife

Indeed the way you were prepaired
To be shared
By the Cannibals
Like the Hannibals
Was the prime achievement
Of you life

You´ll be eaten bei the damned cannibals
You´ll be our lunch
You´ll be our brunch
You´ll die by our Küchenmaschine...

Yes you'll scream
By the light of the
Coffeemaschine allright
The brew ist black like you damned soul
And you'l be stew



W:O:A Metalmaster
und hier aus Aris Feder:

The ballad of the collective

Once there was a time during madness and chaos
Some people met themselves in virtual universe
Only grains in a desert, candles between millions of lights
They became sisters and brothers in metal

Once there were lonely hearts in a cold cold world
Searching for a place with warmth and sincerity
Like wanderers across cruel icy mountains
They became sisters and brothers in metal

Hail the collective, honor the team
Divided by plenty of miles
But their souls stand together, day by day
And no power could tear them apart

Once there were days without laughter and fun
No sun in the hearts and no peace in their minds
Thirsty for love like a sponge for the water
They became sisters and brothers in metal

Once there were hate controlling their thoughts
Destroying the sun and the feeling of love
Fighters in the name of the incredible evil
They became sisters and brothers in metal


Everything changed in the meaning of live
Metal take care for their souls and their hearts
The collective exists and the fortune returned
They are sisters and brothers in metal

Finally reached the halls of the metal
Wrapped around with the rythm of steel
Satisfied by vocals, bass and drums
Now they are the collective in metal


Hail the collective – feel the rythm
Hail the collective – feel the rythm
Hail the collective – feel the rythm

und noch einer von Ari:

Smells like teen mustard

We ran for our lives searching the one and only thing
We search for the holy element
The mustard is the thing we love

Metal is the law and mustard is the lawyer
We trust in the music and we believe in our mustard
The mustard is the thing we love

Dressings makes us crying, ketchup sucks - @!#$ off
Only mustard can make the way we feel

Ooh, Mustard, you are my god, you are my light in darkest hour
Ooh, Mustard, I believe in your power and strenght


Once there was a time where no mustard exists
The sky was grey and cold and the earth was empty
The mustard changed it all

No humans are banging to the metal sound
And the air was full of fubu @!#$
The mustard changed it all

But one day the tyranny of fucking sauce was ended
Destroyed by the mighty power of the sparkling mustard


Please welcome the holy substance, the basis of our exist
Embrace the meaning of mustard
The mustard is the thing we love

Whether fish or flesh, it’s like friend or foe
Avoid stupid @!#$ like tomato and Mayonnaise
The mustard is the thing we love

Welcome the one and only mustard, ooh marvellous mustard
You are the magician to lead us in a better future




W:O:A Metalmaster
Das war ja noch im alten Zensur-Forum *ggg*

hier mal einetwas neueres Stück, diesmal von Suwarin:

Ode to Ants

These lovely little creatures
With their unique feautures

Colonies of the underworld
but seldom to behold
No soul to be sold

They creep
even up steep
even onto sheep
or into the deep

The Ants
The Ants

When in need
When in hunger
When your in for a little treat
Thousands of tiny little feet

Protein delivery service
Help youself
Don't be nervous!

Take a bite
Take another

Fry them
Cook them
Boil them
Pop them into a wicrowave
See the shrivel in a heat wave

Put them on toast
Just as good as roast
That is not just a boast

The Ants
The Ants

This was an Ode to Ants
Protein delivery Service


W:O:A Metalmaster
So, einen hab ich auf die schnelle noch gefunden und jetzt muss ich erstmal wieder arbeiten...

The Emperor
He stalks the day
He stalks the night
He thinks everybody is filled with fright
But he isn't right

Gleaming chromeon bullet belt dream
Glasses that fog in steam
It makes you want to scream

A size so small and weird to mention
A weapon from another dimension

Black string tangas of fright
in the hazy morning light
makes your eyes twitch and hurt all right

A worm so fluffy and extreme
He thinks ist is obscene
He lives in a dream
but his jibberish squaking is a nightmare
a real scare
his glaze can't be mistaken as a stare

He sniffs at feet
like a dog at meat
while lovers meet
under the sheet

A malformed renegade
In the shade
This is to him like a sign
But it is just decline

A Bandit in in snow and fleet
Makes him skeet
and fall of his feet

The slapfish
His favourite dish

A nurses bossom
makes the thing in his thighs blossom
but he is even weirder than an opposum

The Emperor
The Emperor


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Ich hab den Toby hilf mir Thread gefunden ..DIE GEBURTSSTUNDE DES Namens war aber in dem Kinderfress Thread...*vfeg*
Oh mann hier einige Auszüge..
Re: Nachmittagsmüdigkeit, Faulheit oder allgemeine Trunkenheit am Steuer...
Eat me! Cook me! Burn me! Hell yeah! Just do it! Yeah come on yeah ooooohhh..yeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! *feg*

Metal mit Eiern, mal proggy, mal folky, aber ohne zu kommerzielle Ausrichtung. Metal mit reiner Seele!"
Was will uns der Autor sagen??
Hat Metal eine Seele und überhaupt ist die rein?
Metal mit Eiern? Ich hätt gern mein Metal ohne Eier....Vielleicht mit Schinken?
Proggy und Folky????? ...ah ja...mhm klar...
Bitte um Aufklärung!!

Proggy und Folky sind bestimmt zwei hammergeile Groupies, die einem die Eier zu Metal werden lassen.

Reicht das als Erklärung??
Der rest ist zensiert...*gggg*