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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
me neither - but I just thought you might know it anyway, just like Germans are making fun about Swiss and Austrian German :D


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Yes, the same Germans do with Austrian and Swiss German is being done in South America all the time. Do you agree Rosk?

I mean, Argentines are laughing about the way the people of Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico or even Spain to mention only a few, are speaking. And every time I visit my family in Paraguay they were making jokes about my spanish because I came from Buenos Aires. That´s normal.

But well, to be honest, I didn´t get every word this Nicaraguans said. Were they sober? It seems they had some Tequilas before they had this speech.

I would like to wish all of you a great year!! Good luck!!


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Lordwalter schrieb:
Yes, the same Germans do with Austrian and Swiss German is being done in South America all the time. Do you agree Rosk?

I mean, Argentines are laughing about the way the people of Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico or even Spain to mention only a few, are speaking. And every time I visit my family in Paraguay they were making jokes about my spanish because I came from Buenos Aires. That´s normal.

But well, to be honest, I didn´t get every word this Nicaraguans said. Were they sober? It seems they had some Tequilas before they had this speech.

I would like to wish all of you a great year!! Good luck!!

I agree 100% with you Walter :D I have to confess we make fun of the way people talk in South America, special the argentinians.... I am sorry!!! It's not my fault!! ;) :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Rosk schrieb:
I agree 100% with you Walter :D I have to confess we make fun of the way people talk in South America, special the argentinians.... I am sorry!!! It's not my fault!! ;) :D

In Spain we make fun out of the way you all speak!!! :p It's the same if you come from Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia or Belize. You're all funny :D ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

It´s time to show our real thoughts!!!! So you bastards in Mexico are laughing about the way we speak in Argentina?? BASTARDS! :D But it´s ok for me, because in Argentina (only Buenos Aires would I say) we have a very own language! It´s our language and we do not want to share it with any other asshole from the rest of the continent, you bastards!!! jajajajajaja That´s true, really. In the last Spanish Language Forum in Argentina a few weeks ago, the really appeal to recognize the "Idioma Argentino" (Argentine Language) as something diferent as the "Idioma Castellano" (Spanish Language) :)

For example, the word "cagando". What does this mean for you Rosk or Pablo? I guess you would say: "Shitting" That´s true. I´m shitting, estoy cagando. But would you understand "me estoy cagando de frio" ? This would mean "I´m freezing" or what would you understand if I say: "Me cagué de miedo or me estoy cagando de miedo" ? This would mean "I´m fearing a lot!!"
And if I say: "me cagué de risa, o me estoy cagando de risa"? Means I´m laughing very much, I´m having a lot of fun" And if you say: "me cagaron" What does this mean? It means that they abused of me, I was not keen enough to see that they were stolen me. I could go on further, but I have to work! Fuck!

And Pablo, you should know, I think most of the countries in Southamerica are laughing about the way YOU speak. It is really funny to hear you can fuck buses, cars and even planes!! Unbelivable! :D :D :D

See you people!! Have a nice day!


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Bueno, cagarse de miedo es una expresión muy habitual en España. No así "cagarse de risa", ya que para ello usamos el verbo "mear". El verbo "cagar" tiene también muchos usos en España. "Me cago en tu puta madre", "me cago en Dios", "la he cagado" o "está que te cagas". Seguramente haya más, pero ahora no se me ocurren.

Respecto a lo de follarse autobuses, trenes y aviones, se debe a que las españolas no nos dejan follar, y tenemos que recurrir a cosas inertes. :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Lordwalter schrieb:

It´s time to show our real thoughts!!!! So you bastards in Mexico are laughing about the way we speak in Argentina?? BASTARDS! :D But it´s ok for me, because in Argentina (only Buenos Aires would I say) we have a very own language! It´s our language and we do not want to share it with any other asshole from the rest of the continent, you bastards!!! jajajajajaja That´s true, really. In the last Spanish Language Forum in Argentina a few weeks ago, the really appeal to recognize the "Idioma Argentino" (Argentine Language) as something diferent as the "Idioma Castellano" (Spanish Language) :)

For example, the word "cagando". What does this mean for you Rosk or Pablo? I guess you would say: "Shitting" That´s true. I´m shitting, estoy cagando. But would you understand "me estoy cagando de frio" ? This would mean "I´m freezing" or what would you understand if I say: "Me cagué de miedo or me estoy cagando de miedo" ? This would mean "I´m fearing a lot!!"
And if I say: "me cagué de risa, o me estoy cagando de risa"? Means I´m laughing very much, I´m having a lot of fun" And if you say: "me cagaron" What does this mean? It means that they abused of me, I was not keen enough to see that they were stolen me. I could go on further, but I have to work! Fuck!

And Pablo, you should know, I think most of the countries in Southamerica are laughing about the way YOU speak. It is really funny to hear you can fuck buses, cars and even planes!! Unbelivable! :D :D :D

See you people!! Have a nice day!

You won't believe me walter, but we also say "me estoy cagando de frío", y "me estoy cagando de miedo", we even say "estoy bien cagado" which means "I'm very angry".... I guess we have the same use for the word.

What we make fun the most about the argentinian way of speaking is the accent. But I must admit I know quite a few girls that find your accent sexy (bastards!) :p :D And we also make fun of your fame of being "sencichiitosss" (sencillitos with argentinian accent) ;) :D:D:D:D

And about the guys from Spain, we have a lot of jokes about gallegos.... Those are the kind of stupid jokes where you tray to say someone does some very stupid things.... I don't know if you guys have something like that in your countries.

Have a nice day everyone!!


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Chistes de "gallegos" jajajaajaja! We have them too! :D :D :D
I know many girls in the diferent countries love our accent. I know it very well ;) Maybe that´s the reason why you hate our accent!!! jajajajaja But not only in South and Central America many girls love our accent. In Spain also, and that´s great! :D

I like to see how every country think they have the "best" spanish. How every country throws with shit to other countries! ajajajaja :D It´s great. I hope we never finish with that "fight"

Have a nice day!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
*is proud that she started such an interesting discussion*
I´m starting to understand where there are different spanish dictionaries for nearly every country :D
Do you guys know those cool german dictionaries called Kauderwelsch? They are really cool, I have one for Mexico and it knows a lot of typical swear words and stuff :D :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Lucretia schrieb:
*is proud that she started such an interesting discussion*
I´m starting to understand where there are different spanish dictionaries for nearly every country :D
Do you guys know those cool german dictionaries called Kauderwelsch? They are really cool, I have one for Mexico and it knows a lot of typical swear words and stuff :D :)

Just check the "Pons" dictionaries. I've learnt cool sentences like "der ganze Scheiss geht mir auf den Sack" (me putea tanta gilipollez). :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
seems to be a good dictionary, indeed :D

But you can´t buy those PONS in special editions for Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Guatemala, Spain and so on, do you?