English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
That liegt daran, that you can not produce this Englishgemix every Day, sont it goes you on the Nerven!:o:p:D

Mine you?
Also, me not. I'm always beryte for this reesy shice. :o

Good mawning!

How goes it you?

Hoo hoo! *wink*

Me goes it preema! :)
But I am noch goose beautiful tired. Be to late in the trap and then woke I to early up. Every samsday the same shice! :(

But last ends is it eagle, I can he-hole myself the restly day over. :)

Have you too free or must you arbyten?


W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
Good morning you all! The sun shines, the vögel tscheep - it's so lovely! :D

@strawman: I wish you many fun for your trip to your friend! :)

And now? I think, I have to play mal wieder putz-devil. :rolleyes:

Is there someone who will me the arbyte uptaken? Pleeeeeaaaaaase!!! :confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Good morning you all! The sun shines, the vögel tscheep - it's so lovely! :D

@strawman: I wish you many fun for your trip to your friend! :)

And now? I think, I have to play mal wieder putz-devil. :rolleyes:

Is there someone who will me the arbyte uptaken? Pleeeeeaaaaaase!!! :confused:

Good mourning! :)

Oh, sorry, but all that could take you the arbyte up, are noch not hear or they sleap noch.

And I would yes gerne, but I have to spam bloodsense (Blödsinn, know you?) hear in the forum. Shade! :(


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011

Ever this outtalks! :mad: You knifst - that's it! :(

And else? What are your plans for today?

Witch outtalks!? I have no idea about you are reading hear. :angel::o

Today we war Greeshish eating, which war sir lecker! :cool:
I arse a Farmer-Spees with Pepper-Sauce with rise and fried potatoe-sticks. :cool:
Then we war at a coffee, who we bought some cake that we to home took. Than it gave coffee and cake. :)


W:O:A Metalhead
1 Aug. 2011
Wilder Süden
Witch outtalks!? I have no idea about you are reading hear. :angel::o

Today we war Greeshish eating, which war sir lecker! :cool:
I arse a Farmer-Spees with Pepper-Sauce with rise and fried potatoe-sticks. :cool:
Then we war at a coffee, who we bought some cake that we to home took. Than it gave coffee and cake. :)

O, my loveley mister songclub, there you have let it go you very good!!!!:D


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
O, my loveley mister songclub, there you have let it go you very good!!!!:D

Yes, I forseek always to let it go me good. :)

Nextby, at the same day, my marriage-woman and I had tofallywise (!) our 13th yearday as we hit us together the first meal and learned knowing us. :cool:

But that war really only a tofall! The ground, why we greeshish eating gowalking was, we had easy lust for it and we were really hungarian. :)


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Yes, I forseek always to let it go me good. :)

Nextby, at the same day, my marriage-woman and I had tofallywise (!) our 13th yearday as we hit us together the first meal and learned knowing us. :cool:

But that war really only a tofall! The ground, why we greeshish eating gowalking was, we had easy lust for it and we were really hungarian. :)
What? So long are you scho together? My Respekt!

You are Ungarn?:confused::D:D:D


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
What? So long are you scho together? My Respekt!

You are Ungarn?:confused::D:D:D

Yes, are we! :cool: Like an old marriage-pair. :)
Today is that fast already a seldomhite, faith I.

Loud Otto "not funny" Waalkes means "I am hungry", "ich bin Ungar". So must "I am hungarian", "Ich bin hungrig" mean, vermoot I!? :confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Yes, are we! :cool: Like an old marriage-pair. :)
Today is that fast already a seldomhite, faith I.

Loud Otto "not funny" Waalkes means "I am hungry", "ich bin Ungar". So must "I am hungarian", "Ich bin hungrig" mean, vermoot I!? :confused:
Why are you erkläring this me? I have scho unterstand what you mean with hungarian....Had try to make a Scherz! Woll?:o:p

So, now I must come in the Puschen, my Ärberd is waiting....Gnaaa....I have no Bock! I am urlaubsreif!

See you later....*wink*


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Why are you erkläring this me? I have scho unterstand what you mean with hungarian....Had try to make a Scherz! Woll?:o:p

So, now I must come in the Puschen, my Ärberd is waiting....Gnaaa....I have no Bock! I am urlaubsreif!

See you later....*wink*

I ahnte this already fast. But I thought, I give here my quelle for this shice price, that nobody thinks that cheese is on my mist grown.
I don't want to schmück myself with strange feathers, know you? :D

Ähm... has you not straight holiday had? I thought you war away for a pair days? I tippte, that you risest weeder to Franconia or so what in that art?

I wish you a beautiful and hopefully not so workrich day!

Till later, make's good! I blybe noch a little bit hear! :)


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
I ahnte this already fast. But I thought, I give here my quelle for this shice price, that nobody thinks that cheese is on my mist grown.
I don't want to schmück myself with strange feathers, know you? :D

Ähm... has you not straight holiday had? I thought you war away for a pair days? I tippte, that you risest weeder to Franconia or so what in that art?

I wish you a beautiful and hopefully not so workrich day!

Till later, make's good! I blybe noch a little bit hear! :)
Thanx for the Wishes, it was scho a recht good Day I must say! :)