English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Sprichwörter in English für Runaways:

Ever when you think it goes no more
comes from irgendwo a Light....ähm....dahore?:confused:

This goes not!:o:ugly:


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Sorry, I can not write here, my English is under all pig. :(:D

Then you are gonau the right for this fred! :)

That bassd doch! Under all Pig is genow the right.:D

Also the Satz must then louden: What the Bauer not know, he dont fress!:confused:
*rollovertheFloor* :D

Say I doch! :o

Where others a pit graves, falls selves henine. :o

Sprichwörter in English für Runaways:

Ever when you think it goes no more
comes from irgendwo a Light....ähm....dahore?:confused:

This goes not!:o:ugly:

"Dahore" is preema, find I! *applauseclap*


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Oh God....Thank you...then I can ja more dichten in this Fred and the old Sprichwords neistell....:rolleyes::D

This is a misterbeforeragend idea would I say.
It's very impotent that we kümmer us about a little bit culture in this fred.

The users can so not only learn English, sondern too noch poetry! :cool:

This fred is wearing ever more emptyrich and pedagogic worthful! :o


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
I find your oversitting very greatsorty. :D


Today go I to a remedyolder-Eating. I fry me scho :)

Yes, her oversitting is goose fantastic! :cool:

"Remedyolder-Eating" :D
"Fry"... fast even better! :D:D:D

Cool! With eating with the hands, throwing the bones behind you and so righty with belching and farting, like the old knights-loyd that ever did have? :cool:
Do you have then knights-costumes on or sowhat in that art? :confused: