English for Runaway

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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
A magicjaily (zauberhaften, you remember?) good mourning, all together! :)

My mourning will be not goose so good, while yesterday evening broke a tile of my crown away. Now I must go to the toothdoctor when he off makes, this mourning. :Puke:
It pukes me fast done (gar :D) not on. :rolleyes:

I fear this weird weeder many hundreds of euros cost.
I have it yes... :rolleyes:

I have the first behind me. But there are two other throughtostand :uff:

And this finds in the all-next time city (statt :D)?

"Lehrprobentermin" rings a bit wrong.
Maybe she wanted to say "emptyprobedeadline" ? :D
heaventhunderweather :D

I find you should be many oftener here! We could louder goose much new word from you learn! :cool:
Your worddarling (wortschatz) is overworldly (überwältigend)! :cool:

Yes, also see I my class only 4 times before.

But before I the beforeberiding start, must I first come under a bit. Be already kind of upgescrabbled. *deep throughbreeze*

This unsensescribing with you is smellty (riech-tig) helprich therefore

I understand that sir good! :)
It's lenking ever goose beautiful up, gell?

Geilomat! :D
I love this special Words.
Me too. Heut ganzen Day scho. Mei Feierabend is now and I leg the Feet high on the PC! Yes!!!:o

"Special words"? Gives it too others? :confused:

As You Me So I You :o
Everything for the cat I say. Give the american a running-passport.
It is not my problem, when they don't no this clockold sayings. :o
What care us the Amis. Headthing is we understand us. :o

One knaller after the next! :cool:
I'm sir beghosted of your mistakefrees English! :)

Man o man, was this a dreamish earlyleftday today! :cool::D:D

By us there was no earlyleftweather. The heaven was cloudy and it was a bittle cold.

I can it myself too not explain? :confused:


6 Aug. 2003
Hamburg & Berlin


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
OK I misssearch.

Yeah knaller...
My Excel table has fallen down often lately. That is not a knaller...:mad:

That hope I! Were sir inspereering and emptyrich for us! :cool:

My mourning starts very nicely today. I go out earlypiecing with my elders. :)

Earlypiecing! :cool:
Then I wish you feel fun, and good appetite!

I war noch knee earlypiecing (true war!). I must togive, I like middayeating more.
Oncity (anstatt :D) a real earlypiece reaches me only a cup of coffee. :)


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011