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6 Aug. 2003
Hamburg & Berlin
My mourning will be not goose so good, while yesterday evening broke a tile of my crown away. Now I must go to the toothdoctor when he off makes, this mourning. :Puke:
It pukes me fast done (gar :D) not on. :rolleyes:

I fear this weird weeder many hundreds of euros cost.
I have it yes... :rolleyes:

Oh I overred this.
I also got my frist crown a pair of days ago.
And after not only two weeks later it was bedamaged. :(
Now i have to againhold the whole process and be crowned again. :D

Well, but the real shit is, that I have to go to the kieferdoc to waycut the top of a root. :(


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
Oh I overred this.
I also got my frist crown a pair of days ago.
And after not only two weeks later it was bedamaged. :(
Now i have to againhold the whole process and be crowned again. :D

Well, but the real shit is, that I have to go to the kieferdoc to waycut the top of a root. :(

Oh that can I only to good! :(

Four a pair years I evenfalls became 2 (other) crowns witch broke a pair days later up.
I became costless two new ones and 2 weaks later they broke too weeder up. :rolleyes:
And weeder I became two new crowns (every meal over 2 stunts on the toothdocter-stool! :Puke:).
And weeder they broke up. (Unfaithly, gell?)

Then came my toothdoctor of the idea that i manylight zerbite my teeth at nights, when I'm sleeping. Also she gets me a bite-sheen that I have to carry for the night.
Since then, I have rest with this mist. :uff:

...till yesterday evening. :rolleyes:

So, when your new crown will too weeder go broke, then let yourself glysh give such a sheen.
It spares a lot of nerves! *tippgive* :)

Edit: Gott, wenn ich mir diesen Scheiß durchlese.... :D:D:D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
So, I faith I have to clean my cup allmaily. It sees out like pig! :Puke:
The weekend and glychtimy fireevening comes lonesome nearer.
I have to beryte me darauf four! :)


W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
My deer Mr. Singingclub!
Hear was yes gar nothing loose side yesterday! :confused:

Who ware they all!? :confused: