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W:O:A Metalmaster
7 Aug. 2013
Am falschen Isar-Ufer
Thunderweather, you got schon the second one??? :eek:

And in three weeks is the probe, right? Then you have now to begin with the beforeberiding?

That's hard. :(

But you must see the positive: After that it's only one probe you must overstanding. :)

Yes, also see I my class only 4 times before.

But before I the beforeberiding start, must I first come under a bit. Be already kind of upgescrabbled. *deep throughbreeze*

This unsensescribing with you is smellty (riech-tig) helprich therefore
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
Good mourning ladies! :)

Side you fit? I not. :( I'm dogtired, like pig. *gäääähn*
Butt I'm too hear by the arbyte. What sine must, must stop sine, gell? :rolleyes:
Geilomat! :D
I love this special Words.
Me too. Heut ganzen Day scho. Mei Feierabend is now and I leg the Feet high on the PC! Yes!!!:o



W:O:A Metalmaster
25 Mai 2013
heaventhunderweather :D


Yes, also see I my class only 4 times before.

But before I the beforeberiding start, must I first come under a bit. Be already kind of upgescrabbled. *deep throughbreeze*

This unsensescribing with you is smellty (riech-tig) helprich therefore

Yes, often the forum helps good to come under. But sometimes auch the antithing. :o:D

Geilomat! :D
I love this special Words.
Me too. Heut ganzen Day scho. Mei Feierabend is now and I leg the Feet high on the PC! Yes!!!:o

But don't kick your PC from the table on the floor. *besorgtbe* :D


W:O:A Metalgod
4 März 2004
*surelyhalfer bäp Gaffertape as a cuttingline between Hex' Haxn and the PC*


It's surely the best, when you umwickelst Hex' Haxen with Gaffatape and thick them fest on the table. Then weder the Haxen noch the PC can underfall. :D

*Hex' Haxn with Pillows aroundwrapp and with Gaffer to the table bap*

Now can nothig happen anymore :o

Oh God, you Zwaa make me fertich!:D