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Originally posted by Warthog Hey, sometimes having just one beer in the morning helps with the hangover a bit. Although that's a surefire path to alcoholism.
I tried the beer to cure hangover thing once, and it wasn't a success, sipping a beer while tying my shoes wasn't very tasty, let alone plain awkward, and the hangover didn't go away.
I don't usually have headaches though (unless I drank Oranjeboom), but I do have an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach if I drank a lot (like I did last night ).
Well, I have treid curing the hangover with beer, more often than not it results that you still have a headache and fel shitty, only now you're sortof drunk at the same time
I tried some weed tea (or how do you call that.) once and had some spacecake (without knowing it) But I didn't really notice some effect or something.
But I don't smoke anything and I also wont. No drugs for me except some alcohol now and then