Drugs!!!A confession thread :)

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W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Originally posted by LooseCannon
Never smoked weed from Europe before.I can only get the homegrown stuff around here.
Uhm... if you get to the Netherlands try some Weed
White Widow
Or SuperSkunk

but make sure that you are somewhere nice and cosy and that you've got everything near you...

Some of the finest stuff I had was in Nepal..nice black and squilchy kind of..but man I tell you...fresh air, nice mugs of hot black milk tea...*dreamson*


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
I think over the years I tried almost everything but Heroin and its derivates. But I hated quite a lot of the drugs. I think Cocaine is absolutely useless except for fucking, extasy is even more useless (And not at all interesting to me), opium just gets me asleep and I get weird dreams - which I already have anyway, so thank you very much. No, for me personally most drugs are shit.

Used to love LSD and mushrooms though, might even take them again sometime in the future. Seems to be another life, way back...

Oh yeah, and I do like alcohol and marijuana, tend to smoke quite a lot at times. So consider me an addict if you want to.


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Originally posted by monochrom
I think Cocaine is absolutely useless except for fucking

I agree with you monochrom. The ony effect for me was keeping me awake, but I only tried it a few times, because I suffer from tachycardia and that shit made it worst!! The last time I was really afraid, because after a dose I just felt this really awful pain on my heart. I was driving and had to pull aside from the street until it went away.... I haven't done it since that day

I stick to alcohol, mariguana from time to time... some peyote and mushrooms could be good too...


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
Originally posted by Rosk
I agree with you monochrom. The ony effect for me was keeping me awake, but I only tried it a few times, because I suffer from tachycardia and that shit made it worst!! The last time I was really afraid, because after a dose I just felt this really awful pain on my heart. I was driving and had to pull aside from the street until it went away.... I haven't done it since that day

hell... we are getting old. I´m having similar reasons why I don´t do drugs, specially amphetamines, anymore... I´m really afraid of getting a heart attack one day. Didn´t like coke and stuff too much anyway.
I agree with mono, shrooms and trips were much more interesting :D
Too bad that I got a horrible tachycardia even from that great weed booze some time ago... :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Originally posted by Lucretia
hell... we are getting old. I´m having similar reasons why I don´t do drugs, specially amphetamines, anymore... I´m really afraid of getting a heart attack one day. Didn´t like coke and stuff too much anyway.
I agree with mono, shrooms and trips were much more interesting :D
Too bad that I got a horrible tachycardia even from that great weed booze some time ago... :rolleyes:

We're very similar!!! I did amphetamines for a while too... but that fucking tachycardia attacked me..... and I get it when I have bad hangovers too....

You're right Lucretia, we're getting old :(

But I have to die because of something.... alcohol seems like a good excuse to me ;) :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
yeah, strange, when I was younger it was no problem at all :(
Tachykardia sucks big time. Also having it when hangoverish - but it has become better since I´m not smoking so much anymore :)
but as you are saying... I think the whole life isn´t healthy - otherwise you wouldn´t die because of it :D ;)


13 Okt. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Lucretia
or some weed vodka/tequila - its pretty effective :D :)
weed+votka rlz...

nealry all but me has confessed...
i was addicticed to chloretil and paint thinner when i was 14.(such emberesment :( ) it's common in turkey cuz it's very very cheap.(get high for a week with only 1$) but i gave up cuz of health problems and my family sent me to hospital for that...
i also tried snowball, cocaine, morning golry,hash ,magic mush( i pickep myself and i think they were not the real stuff...), steam(once)
some legal drugs like benzidamine, sertlaline, ritaline, accinatone,
gethamisin and extasy....
but now only alchole (too much) and weed is enough for me...

i'm planning to bring some weed with me to wacken 03. it's realy cheap in turkey. But i don't know if i could manage to hide it. i'm afraid...
And i realy want to try sheet or LSD...
tried lots of drugs ... still trying them :)

cant stand alcohol, i realise im probly on my own there but ... each to there own.

Wacken situation: lots of people smoking weed, but no one openly selling it, i didn't SEE any other drugs being taken (by people i dont know) tho im sure there was plenty of it.