Originally posted by Lucretia
or some weed vodka/tequila - its pretty effective
weed+votka rlz...
nealry all but me has confessed...
i was addicticed to chloretil and paint thinner when i was 14.(such emberesment

) it's common in turkey cuz it's very very cheap.(get high for a week with only 1$) but i gave up cuz of health problems and my family sent me to hospital for that...
i also tried snowball, cocaine, morning golry,hash ,magic mush( i pickep myself and i think they were not the real stuff...), steam(once)
some legal drugs like benzidamine, sertlaline, ritaline, accinatone,
gethamisin and extasy....
but now only alchole (too much) and weed is enough for me...
i'm planning to bring some weed with me to wacken 03. it's realy cheap in turkey. But i don't know if i could manage to hide it. i'm afraid...
And i realy want to try sheet or LSD...