I take alcohol (quite common

), I did Poppers once, but won't do it again because it's just unhealthy shit (kinda like sniffing glue). Smoked some weed (pure) through joint and bong, and since I'm a non-smoker it was very sharp on the throat, I won't do it much again, as it's full of tar and such anyway. I also did Space Cake twice, once was with some friends, and the dosage was pretty light, the other went f**king bad
I decided to eat a slice of cake (bought from the shop, about 1 gram's weed worth of THC in there), wait a bit and then watch "Waking Life" (freaky animation movie about dreams, life and death and such, mainly dialogue). Before watching, about 45 minutes after having eaten the first slice, I didn't feel that much and went to the shop for another slice (MISTAKE!

), ate it at the spot and went back to watch the movie. After a while, I felt it kicking in (hoping it was the second slice, but it only was the first

After some time I hot hungry,decided to eat smething and ended up eating and tasting nearly everything.
tip #1: carrots will make you go insane with all the little pieces being stuck under your tongue.
tip #2: Nutella tastes incredible when stoned!
I then went back to watching the movie. After a while I couldn't bear the movie anymore (I think this is more or less where the second slice kicked in), so I went to listen to some quiet music and stare at the visualiser, when The Bards' Song played I nearly cried 'cause of it's beauty (like I said, the second slice was a mistake

), anyway, after a while I was beginning to feel sick, so I grabbed a bucket. Then I went down to the toilet, because I felt vomit was imminent, there I stripped down until I was just wearing underwear (my trail of thought at the time was that I didn't want my clothes to get dirty), and then I decided to take a shit instead (with the bucket between my legs). Anyway, after having done my 'duty' I remembered an anecdote of some friend of a friend who once forgot how to wipe his ass when stoned. I then realised (laughing) that more or less the same thing happened to me. After some thinking and slow moves I managed to pull it off though
Then I decided to just lie in bed until the thing was over. I did that, but keopt going out of bed to turn down the volume on the computer (I was rather paranoid then and my neighbour is really a whining bitch when it comes to sound), also, I couldn't 'listen' to music anymore (all the sounds mingled into one noise that I couldn't recognise, the only exception to this was Metallica's Orion, which I more or less could understand). So then I went back to bed. Interesting is that I approached the compyuter from the back, and went under the desk to operate it as I was sure some guy was probably watching me through the window (I saw him sitting behind a comp behind another window), and I didn't want to be seen since I was still in my underwear.
Anyway, I went to bed again.
And then the phone rang, and this really drove me near insanity, first I waited until it would stop (it usually does after five rings, unless people dial again), but it went on and on, then I walked towards it, wondering whether I should pick it up. I tried making a sentence but failed, so I decided to just unplug it instead.
Now my phone had two cords, the regular phone cord and a power cord, since I figured ringing takes power, I unplugged the power cord. The LEDS went dim... but the phone kept ringing.
I was sure that it was all in my head (after all, I unplugged it), but it kept ringing, and eventually I gave in and checked again, this time unplugging the other cord as well, then it finally went silent. Anyway, then I went to bed, and though there were no more real interruptions, my mind was still very fucked up, I felt all kinds of things (like the bugs under your skin, but in my case I associated them with the bits of carrot mentioned above) in my mouth and tried to remove them with my tongue (it must have looked weird). Then I realised it must be a hallucination or whatever, and tried to calm down. Then I got scared (well, I already was most of the time anyway), but I was scared of how long it would last, because I had heard of people being stuck in a bad trip for several days (up to a week), next I was scared that I might see a vision of god, and become a christian (no joke, the thought creeped the hell out of me

Anyway, after a while, I fell asleep, and the following day I was feeling normal again
Hope you enjoyed it, and I know next time I'll be a bit more careful, and I won't do this kinda stuff alone anymore.
NP: Awake - Don't Stop