Drugs!!!A confession thread :)

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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
Originally posted by DeathTakes

nealry all but me has confessed...
i was addicticed to chloretil and paint thinner when i was 14.(such emberesment :( ) it's common in turkey cuz it's very very cheap.(get high for a week with only 1$) but i gave up cuz of health problems and my family sent me to hospital for that...

yuck... such drugs are really shitty & dangerous! :(


W:O:A Metalhead
13 Dez. 2002
Only tried drugs once.
Tried Pot and Mushrooms and Coke in Amsterdam...

Never going to touch the shit again.

Hardly ever drink now either. Its strange how loving a sport so much will make you want to change your life. I started boxing and stopped drinking, stopped eating too much, started running...
I lost 35kg in 4 months!

And I broke my nose hehehehe... if getting punched in the face is a drug, i'm addicted!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
I used to smoke weed but then once i almost killed one of my friends due to paranoia from the weed....i will never try again

I also used to take ecstasy tablets a few years ago...again i will never do it again due to a bad experience..

The only drugs i try is beer!

I dont even smoke..



I take alcohol (quite common ;)), I did Poppers once, but won't do it again because it's just unhealthy shit (kinda like sniffing glue). Smoked some weed (pure) through joint and bong, and since I'm a non-smoker it was very sharp on the throat, I won't do it much again, as it's full of tar and such anyway. I also did Space Cake twice, once was with some friends, and the dosage was pretty light, the other went f**king bad :(

I decided to eat a slice of cake (bought from the shop, about 1 gram's weed worth of THC in there), wait a bit and then watch "Waking Life" (freaky animation movie about dreams, life and death and such, mainly dialogue). Before watching, about 45 minutes after having eaten the first slice, I didn't feel that much and went to the shop for another slice (MISTAKE! ;)), ate it at the spot and went back to watch the movie. After a while, I felt it kicking in (hoping it was the second slice, but it only was the first :eek: ).

After some time I hot hungry,decided to eat smething and ended up eating and tasting nearly everything.

tip #1: carrots will make you go insane with all the little pieces being stuck under your tongue.
tip #2: Nutella tastes incredible when stoned! :D

I then went back to watching the movie. After a while I couldn't bear the movie anymore (I think this is more or less where the second slice kicked in), so I went to listen to some quiet music and stare at the visualiser, when The Bards' Song played I nearly cried 'cause of it's beauty (like I said, the second slice was a mistake ;)), anyway, after a while I was beginning to feel sick, so I grabbed a bucket. Then I went down to the toilet, because I felt vomit was imminent, there I stripped down until I was just wearing underwear (my trail of thought at the time was that I didn't want my clothes to get dirty), and then I decided to take a shit instead (with the bucket between my legs). Anyway, after having done my 'duty' I remembered an anecdote of some friend of a friend who once forgot how to wipe his ass when stoned. I then realised (laughing) that more or less the same thing happened to me. After some thinking and slow moves I managed to pull it off though ;)

Then I decided to just lie in bed until the thing was over. I did that, but keopt going out of bed to turn down the volume on the computer (I was rather paranoid then and my neighbour is really a whining bitch when it comes to sound), also, I couldn't 'listen' to music anymore (all the sounds mingled into one noise that I couldn't recognise, the only exception to this was Metallica's Orion, which I more or less could understand). So then I went back to bed. Interesting is that I approached the compyuter from the back, and went under the desk to operate it as I was sure some guy was probably watching me through the window (I saw him sitting behind a comp behind another window), and I didn't want to be seen since I was still in my underwear.

Anyway, I went to bed again.

And then the phone rang, and this really drove me near insanity, first I waited until it would stop (it usually does after five rings, unless people dial again), but it went on and on, then I walked towards it, wondering whether I should pick it up. I tried making a sentence but failed, so I decided to just unplug it instead.

Now my phone had two cords, the regular phone cord and a power cord, since I figured ringing takes power, I unplugged the power cord. The LEDS went dim... but the phone kept ringing.

I was sure that it was all in my head (after all, I unplugged it), but it kept ringing, and eventually I gave in and checked again, this time unplugging the other cord as well, then it finally went silent. Anyway, then I went to bed, and though there were no more real interruptions, my mind was still very fucked up, I felt all kinds of things (like the bugs under your skin, but in my case I associated them with the bits of carrot mentioned above) in my mouth and tried to remove them with my tongue (it must have looked weird). Then I realised it must be a hallucination or whatever, and tried to calm down. Then I got scared (well, I already was most of the time anyway), but I was scared of how long it would last, because I had heard of people being stuck in a bad trip for several days (up to a week), next I was scared that I might see a vision of god, and become a christian (no joke, the thought creeped the hell out of me :D).

Anyway, after a while, I fell asleep, and the following day I was feeling normal again :)

Hope you enjoyed it, and I know next time I'll be a bit more careful, and I won't do this kinda stuff alone anymore.

NP: Awake - Don't Stop