Was ist denn so besonders an dem Spiel?
Ich kopiere einfach mal die beste Steam-Antwort, weil ich das Spiel mangels PS5 noch nicht gespielt habe:
The central theme of the game is the importance of freedom of thought, expression and imagination as the basis for hope and societal improvement - the game opens with asking you whether fantasy can alter reality and also makes a point of fantasy novels being a foreign concept thought to be eliminated by a church that opposed their ability to spread new ideas - the people touting the "metaphor for racism" drivel either have an agenda or a deficiency. The plot is largely focused on a magically-enforced election - the first of its kind - in a kingdom dominated by a church that encourages discrimination, censorship, restricting the populace and generally maintaining power, which is a bit more shade than JRPGs typically throw at organized religion. The princely opposition treats minorities fairly and seeks to oust the church with force, but consistently pulls the wool over the eyes of his supporters and has no qualms putting his subjects in danger before saving them as a fabricated show of power. I'm just getting to the part of the game that goes deeper into the prince's deal, so I can't say much more about him. Meanwhile the underdog player character typically has idealistic, left-wing views and there's straight-up a stat for cultural open-mindedness in the form of tolerance.
So yes, it's woke enough. Deliciously so.
Dazu gibts dann Leute, die sagen, dass die männlichen Charaktere zu androgyn sind und sie sich auf die weiblichen keinen runterholen können. Alternativ heulen sie rum, dass es keine Datingkomponente gibt. Unterm Strich quasi alles, warum ich immer lieber verschweige, dass ich Videospiele mag, und vor allem was für welche. Einfach die eklige Creep-Weeb-Vollbedienung. Vor paar Jahren haben die in den Gruppen noch über irgendwelche Animufiguren aus den Spielen gegeiert, jetzt kommt als Reaktion sowas.
Ist einfach erfrischend, dass die normalen Menschen mittlerweile gegenhalten, wenn dumme Scheiße gepostet wird.