Der "alles ist scheisse" Thread

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Original geschrieben von Frostgrinder
Ach ja Shizzo: Pass auf, sonst überhol ich dich noch in Sachen Posts *g*!

Gut, dass ich ein Zyniker mit schwarzem Humor bin!
Ich fürchte ich muss in Zukunft echt aufpassen, keinem ans Bein zu pissen!

Och, ich poste nicht der Zahl wegen.

Och, bei mir isses sehr schwer mich anzupissen :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalhead
6 Nov. 2002
Nexus von Sominus
Website besuchen
Original geschrieben von Legolas
I Hate - End Of Green

Its coming down all over me can't feel no love tonight
it is so sweet i loose everything im lost in my mind
this life is sick i dont know why
I hate mysielf i want to die
i hate myself
Jesus can you listen to me my jeramaid my ray of light
there is no way of any hope
sun and moon will never shine i can't go on i apologize
there is no way of any hope
this life is sick i don't know why
I hate myself i want to die...

Only One - End Of Green

You are the only one that i ever loved
you are the only one that i ever lost
Dead beautiful romance still sleeps on cold ground a never ending long way
to reach your arms the light can no longer shine emptiness drinking of my
you are the only one still i search for your cold heart grief always embrace
my heart
I remember you are my last love you are the only one
I remember you are my last love cold skin and blue cold lips undying in my
salvation by a deadly kiss
You are the only one....

Danke für den Tip, die Band ist cool!