Well, four out of five days of my first week have passed.
I have managed to get a computer with an account and email, a phone and a phone number, a "cubicle" with desk, chair and book shelves.
Also binders, papers, pencils, eraser, stuff like that.
Have had my health and drug control, also security check.
Have gotten most programs I need to get installed, managed to get the access I need to the network and also ordered business cards.
Now after I get my new business cards I hope to avoid doing what I once did while drunk, anyone that has been with me so long at the forum that they have read my emarrasing drunkeness thread might remember what I am talking about
On tuesday I will leave at 6.30 in the morning to go 350 kilometers south, spend the day in meatings with consultants that I will become a project manager of, then drive back 350 kilometers again and be back home at about 20.00 in the evening.
Might be a very interesting day
Tomorrow I might go and drink some beers with some lovely girls i haven't seen in a while, need to meet some new girls that I haven't made a fool out of myself in front of for some time