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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Aug. 2003
Especially after a few beers and whiskey too.

Same here. -> :D:D:D

OOk so WTF.. the Waken app is showing bands starting on Tuesday night, all the winners of the metal battles - on the Headbanger stage. I'm going to miss an entire day now :( I thought you weren't allowed to go before Wednesday.

Just what the others said. Everything's fine. :D

Yes, but the pronunciation which was posted posted sounded very American :p

I'm sorry. That's just because my English is so bad. :(

sometimes I read stuff on the wacken website and think, who the hell translated this and what the hell do they mean... :ugly:

I made my post after reading this:
"The service car can be called by phone - the restoration of the roadworthiness on the area is available for small donation of 15€ "

"Roadworthiness" *rofl*

If anything's too "Germlish" to understand for anyone of you, I can try to explain. :D

Guardian of Silence

W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Dez. 2011
Tom Kyle
So whats the best beer hall in Hamburg? Any tips on places I should hit up in the couple days before we head to Wacken?

Right now I'm asking myself why the hell have I never been in Hamburg? I mean, not for longer than half a day for König der Löwen?
It's so close!

Sorry, I can't tell you, but I heard there are lots of good beerhalls. Dunno if there are many good metal beerhalls, though.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Aug. 2003
So whats the best beer hall in Hamburg? Any tips on places I should hit up in the couple days before we head to Wacken?

Aside from the beer halls you can always head to the Kiez, where you find lots of pubs, bars, and stuff. You shouldn't miss it, it's a real go at night.

You can reach the Kiez (Street name is "Reeperbahn") by subway, just take the exit "Landungsbrücken" (S1 line) oder "Sankt Pauli" (should be the U1 or U3 line). Subways are pretty good in Hamburg actually.

On the Kiez you have several Irish pubs at the Hans-Albers-Platz with decent live folk music at the weekends. For example, there's the Academy pub.
If you're in for some disco like bar, there's of course the "Thomas Read". There's also the Headbanger's Ballroom, which is a Metal bar with live program. Here's a flyer with adress and program:


You can also have a look at the street "Große Freiheit", which is right at the Kiez. There're some metal statues of the Beatles at the Spielbudenplatz, and there's the Grosse Freiheit street. In there you find more bars, a Dollhouse ;) and the "Grosse Freiheit 36" with the "Kaiserkeller" in the basement. It used to be okay around there.

So, plenty to do. :D


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
but... are girls blind than? I mean, I'm right here... :D :p

It's not that easy unfortunately. Confidence in yourself shows to others and most girls find that attractive. Of course I am almost the opposite and I will find the most shy and sad boy to make feel better because that is how I am. But if you are 'looking' that will never work, you have to just continue doing things that you normally do. Going to the gym and things is a good step - or maybe you will meet the girl of your dreams at work one day (that's happened before)


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 März 2012
SH, Germany
It's not that easy unfortunately. Confidence in yourself shows to others and most girls find that attractive. Of course I am almost the opposite and I will find the most shy and sad boy to make feel better because that is how I am. But if you are 'looking' that will never work, you have to just continue doing things that you normally do. Going to the gym and things is a good step - or maybe you will meet the girl of your dreams at work one day (that's happened before)

So true. It happens when you least expect it :)