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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
The app is based on the time of your current location. I check the PDF and all concerts start Wednesday at 10AM or later. Because I in mountain time zone, I add 8 hours to the times listed on the app or just download the PDF for actually running order time.
Again I hate traveling overseas with all the time changes. :mad:
But very exciting to finally going to WOA!

that actually makes sense.

this is the official time table btw: http://www.wacken.com/en/woa2013/main-bands/running-order-2013/


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
The app is based on the time of your current location. I check the PDF and all concerts start Wednesday at 10AM or later. Because I in mountain time zone, I add 8 hours to the times listed on the app or just download the PDF for actually running order time.
Again I hate traveling overseas with all the time changes. :mad:
But very exciting to finally going to WOA!

Oh man..thank god..I was going to cry! That makes sense! thanks!


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 März 2012
SH, Germany
so, how's life over there? :)

Awesome. :)

I still don´t have a job but I will start really looking for one after Wacken. Maybe also start learning german for real :eek:

I like to live here. People are nice, place is really beautiful and everything is going suprisingly well with boyfriend. Life is good. :D

How is it going for you? Found nice girls? How is work going?


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Awesome. :)

I still don´t have a job but I will start really looking for one after Wacken. Maybe also start learning german for real :eek:

I like to live here. People are nice, place is really beautiful and everything is going suprisingly well with boyfriend. Life is good. :D

How is it going for you? Found nice girls? How is work going?

I'm going to get a new job at our NOC soon :)

no girls yet... but I'm going to the gym 3 times a week now, so that should help :p